A Slayer's Task

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What caused you to write:

Writing offers me a way to escape reality. I am horrible artist and I have no talent with a brush. I do, however, have a way with words. To me, writing is the only form of art I can exceed at.

What is your favorite genre?

2) I favourite genres are paranormal, romance, historical fiction, Non-fiction in some areas, like history and psychology.

What makes your story unique?

3) Well that's a hard one.... I try to incorporate a bit of myself into my story, but I bet every author does that. My strongest edge in my story has to be my descriptions, because I try to write them as realistically has I can. I would like to believe my plot is original, but let's be realistic here. All I can do is add twists to it, and until then will it be unique.

Tell us a little about yourself:

4) I am a first- generation Canadian and my first language is Spanish. My dream goal is to become an immigration lawyer, but for now I am working to get my degree in Peace and Conflict Studies. If you were to meet me, I come off as shy, but I burst like a fire crackle whenever discussing topics about law, history, and literature. I love being active, but summer has turned me sluggish. Some will call me stubborn, but I like to correct them and say I'm strong willed. 


Instead of going out with friends to watch the latest movie on a Friday, or dating guys from the school's varasity teams, Alice is out slaying vampires at a singles bar, collaring werewolves on a full moon, or excercising illegal demon hosts. As a member of the League, her job is to keep supernatural levels at an all time low. However, Alice has expenses that the League's check doesn't cover and she often has to pick up sidejobs. When she asks to play body guard for a high end party, it doesn't go according to plan. As a result, a citizen has seen Alice slay a demon and now not only is the secret world of the supernatural at risk of exposure, but also her life and the boy who happened to stumble upon her. Read to find out what happens to this badass slayer.

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Genre: Paranormal & Action

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