The Pre-Union

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"Taxation without representation." Melanie listened to Mr. Feeny as Cory and Minkus sat next to him at the front of the room, "King George."

"We provide the colonists with all their finished manufactured goods." Minkus stated, "We deserve remuneration."

"George Washington."

"Fine," Cory shrugged, "Keep your goods. Like we need your stinking British goods. We're American. We're independent. We'll get our goods from Japan."

Melanie barked out a laugh with the rest of the class after Cory said that. She leaned forward and rested her head on her arms, her hair pulled back into a loose French braid. She was, again, way too tired to be in school. Ever since her Dad got promoted, her parents had been out partying almost every night, leaving her with Stephanie.

Melanie gave a soft sigh and focused her attention back to the front of the room.

"I have no history, Mr. Feeny." Cory explained, "I'm eleven. I'm more interested in my future."

"Oh, well," Mr. Feeny said as he clapped his hands and stood up, "then it might be more interesting for us to look into our futures to see if we can avoid our mistakes before they happen."

"I smell an assignment." Shawn muttered.

"I swear; I didn't see it coming." Cory said sarcastically.

"The assignment," Mr. Feeny began, "is for all of you to create personal histories for yourselves as if you were returning for your 20th high school reunion."

"More like a preunion." Minkus voiced and Mr. Feeny nodded.

"Well said, Mr. Minkus. You are the graduating class of the year 2000." Mr. Feeny paused, "What is your profession? Do you have children? Are those children tormenting their sixth-grade teacher?"

The class laughed in amusement and agreement.

"Mr. Feeny, would it be okay if I brought my wife?" Minkus asked.

"Oh, come on, Minkus, what's going to marry you?" Shawn stated.

"Melanie or Topanga."

The class oohed as Melanie blanched and Topanga carefully closed her notebook.

"Why, Stuart, I'm flattered that you would consider me as a potential life mat, but I'm not sure I even recognize the institution of marriage." Topanga explained.

"Minkus," Melanie said as she gave a nervous laugh and looked over at an angry Shawn, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"Trust me, babe, I've seen the future and it's me." Minkus winked.


Melanie bounded over to the table that Shawn, Cory, and Larry sat at.

She had just finished talking to Topanga about what she was going to be and was really excited. She was going to keep it a secret no matter how much Shawn pestered her to spill. It was gonna be an awesome surprise.

"Hey, guys!" Melanie chirped.

"We're gonna be MEN!" Was the response that Shawn shouted back at her.

She stood in a confusion as Larry, Cory, and Shawn started to bark.

"Um... okay?"


Melanie stood next Topanga. Melanie was wearing a knee- length, grey plaid skirt and a white blouse.

"I really like your world Topanga," Melanie complimented and Topanga smiled.

"Thank you. I also agree that the future you made is also very exquisite."

"Thank you!"

Melanie smiled and quickly walked over to where Shawn and Cory stood while Mr. Feeny talked to Topanga about her report.

"Hey guy- Woah!" Melanie exclaimed as she looked at Shawn's stomach, "Your wife must be a good cook."

"I'm really hoping you are," Shawn said as he patted his stomach, "Or this might just be a bunch of junk."

Melanie blushed before quickly asking,

"What are your jobs?"

"Center field of the Philadelphia Phillies." Cory replied.

"Tire Salesman."


"What are you, Mel?" Cory asked.

"I'm a teacher."

"Miss. Strong," Melanie turned to Mr. Feeny.

"I'll see you in a bit," She said before heading over to Mr. Feeny.

"Your future is very normal, Miss. Strong." Mr. Feeny noted as he skimmed through her paper.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Melanie asked as she tilted her head.

"No, not at all. I do, though, find it very curious that you married Mr. Matthews and Miss. Lawrence together."

"Well, I want all my best friends to stick together. That's why I have us all living as neighbors."

"I also noticed that you married Mr. Hunter."

Melanie blushed and looked down,

"I couldn't find anyone else compatible for him."

"Ah, well overall this was a very good report. I'll give you an A."

"Thank you, Mr. Feeny." Melanie beamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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