Teacher's Bet

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"Hey Cory," Melanie heard Shawn say and she looked up from the book she was reading, "Brought you a great article on Barry Bonds."

"Ah, the $43- million man," Cory sighed.

"Why do they call him that?" Minkus asked as he looked at the newspaper.

"Because that's what he's getting paid to play baseball for six years." Melanie explained and Minkus nodded.

"$7.16- million a year?" Minkus gasped.

"If that's what it comes out to, yeah." Shawn said as he threw his arm around Melanie's shoulders.

"He happens to be one of the top guys in baseball," Cory explained as he scrolled through the newspaper.

"Well, I happen to Mr. Feeny is one of the top guys in teaching and he makes about 40,000 a year." Minkus said as he crossed his arms.

"That stinks," Shawn said.

"Something we agree on." Minkus nodded.

"Yeah," Cory agreed.

"Feeny ain't worth that kind of money." Shawn stated and Melanie slapped his arm.

"If you really think about it, Hunter, Feeny is really underpaid." Melanie said with a huff, "I mean, someone would have to bribe me big time to teach you and Cory,"

Shawn smirked and pulled Melanie closer,

"Would they have to bribe you with my kiss?"

"They'd have to bribe me with more than one." Melanie teased as Shawn blanched.


"No, Shawn. I need money to live."

"I thoroughly agree with Melanie. Mr. Feeny is grossly and tragically underpaid." Minkus said with a nod.

"Minkus, Mel—may I call you Melanie?" Melanie gave Cory a pointed glare and his eyes widened, "Okay, Mel. We'll stick with Mel. Anyway, does spelling ever change? No. Does history ever change? Uh-uh. Does Feeny ever change? Never. Know why? He doesn't have to. Know why? Cause nothing about teaching six grade ever changes."

"Well, I think you're wrong." Minkus said.

"Well, I think I'm right." Cory nodded his head towards the cafeteria door, "I think in about five seconds, Feeny walks in here, takes a sip from the drinking fountain, flicks his mustache, goes to the coffee machine, sees me, and says, 'Good morning, Mr. Matthews. I trust you've done the homework.' Every day the same thing. He's so predictable."

Melanie, Shawn, Cory, and Minkus turned their heads and watched as Feeny did everything Cory said he would do.


"This week in Social Studies we'll be talking about prejudice." Mr. Feeny announced.

"Good, cause I'm prejudice against the scungy food in the cafeteria." Cory said and everybody laughed.

Mr. Feeny rolled his eyes and continued to pass out the books, "We will be discussing black slavery the American South, the Jews in Nazi Germany, and several examples of prejudice throughout history. Tonight, your assignment is to read the first thirty pages of that book."

"Aw, man, it's a book about some girl." Cory whined as the bell rang.

Melanie rolled her eyes and walked over to Shawn.

"Ready?" She asked with a smile.

"Of course."


Melanie watched with confused eyes and Cory walked to the front of the room.

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