Letting Go

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        Walking out of the kitchen with a full stomach and a cute guy watching over you protectively was a wonderful feeling. One of the best actually. I'd almost forgotten about that strange fainting spell I had experienced earlier. The blissful taste of pancakes and strawberries was enough to drive anyone away from their problems. 

        Suddenly I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Pulling it out I see that it's Shane calling. Well there goes my good mood. Shattered into pieces and left to float away on the wind. I flipped open my phone and hit the answer button angrily. 

        "What the hell do you want? I want nothing to do with you."

        "Look, Nali... I feel terrible. I don't know what came over me. I really messed up. Is there any way I can make it up to you because I really can't lose you. Especially like this. Please?" He begged from the other end of the phone.

        I glanced over at Xavier and signalled for him to wait for a minute. I walked a little farther down the hall before responding. "What would I want to do with a dirty cheating scum bucket like yourself? I missed one date and you decided that I wasn't good enough for you so you brought another girl to bed?! How could you do you that to me?"

        Shane sighed defeatedly, "Its not like that Nali... I didn't hook up with her just because you missed our date... It's complicated ok?"

"Yeah complicated as in this has been going on throughout our whole relationship hasn't it? I saw the underwear in your bags, the notes in your locker, all of it. But you know what? I don't care anymore, I've moved on. I have someone else now and I will be much happier with him than I ever was with you!' I almost growled as I snapped the phone shut angrily.

        Turning to Xavier I smiled and fought to hold back my tears. I rushed into his arms and just let the water flow. He picked me up swiftly and carried me up to our room, holding me tight. As soon as he had set me down on the bed I began to drift into sleep, fatigue pulling at every corner of my concsiousness. The last things I remembered were the gentle brush of his lips against my forehead and the soft whisper of "I love you."

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