⒌ Spandex and Starlight

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Chapter 5- Spandex and Starlight

I moved the paper closer to my eyes, rubbing the back of my neck wearily.

Okayy…just one more question left.

I can do it.

There are various influences on the international value of a currency in a floating exchange rates system. Discuss their relative importance in different economies.

…if I just figure out what these jumbled squiggles of language really mean.

I scrunched up my nose, trying to recall what those classes at the beginning of the year had entailed exactly. I reached for my notes, and pulled them out- just as the rest of the papers went cascading to the floor.


I give up. It was useless.

Never going to procrastinate again. For sure.

I stared at the mess on the floor for a good minute.

What the hell was wrong with me? 

Shaking myself out of my reverie, I bent down to retrieve the papers and hopefully come up with something to salvage my Economics grade.

A shrill ringing shattered the musty silence of studying. Startled, I reached for the phone, and in my haste, jerked my head up- a resounding boom echoed in the surrounding air as I collided against the bottom of the desk, and cursed for the fifth time in an hour.

My eyes were watering as a lump the size of China threatened to pop up under my hair.

My phone was still ringing. I groped for it blindly, one hand forcefully massaging the sensitive, throbbing spot.


“I wanted to hear your voice. Where are you? It’s been so frightfully long.”

Something tugged on my heartstrings as I heard her voice.

Hand still kneading my head, I got up and stretched out on the swiveling chair, my muscles relaxing after hours of studying. An easy smile surfaced, “Hiiiii.”

“Well aren’t you overjoyed to hear me.” her voice was flat.

I blew out a breath, slinking further down. “Totally am.”

I could almost hear her rolling her eyes at me.

“Stop making that face or I’m going to sucker punch your eye.”

“What face? I ain’t-“

“I know you too well buddy. Anyhow, what were you up to?”

“Ugh. Some stupid economics thing that I forgot to turn in like 7 weeks ago, and I honestly recall nothing about.” I groaned at the very thought, and cast a malevolent look at my desk.

She laughed, “I don’t even want to know.”

Her voice was like melting honey in my bloodstream, making me feel warm and tingly and at ease at the same time.

“It’s nice to hear from you. You make me happy,” I felt a Cheshire cat grin take over my facial muscles.

“Wow, you’re corny stud. Do those lines actually work?”

“When I’m a-courting my girl, I’’ll let ya know,”

She snorted, before her voice exploded with excitement, “Oooh reminds me! You should switch to baseball!”

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