⒊ Planned Seductions

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(if you read the note in the last chapter you'd know that from this chapter onwards is the boy's pov. the patient's pov. okay? just to prevent any confusion :) )

Chapter 3- Planned Seductions

I drummed my fingers restlessly against the glass top covering her vanity. What was taking so long? She had been in there close to fifteen minutes.

I glanced at my well-worn wristwatch- which was neatly reflecting the slowly lightening sky outside, while the other side of the maniacal clock-face had my insides ticking with anticipation.  

Trying to distract myself, I closed my eyes and began humming Strawberry Swing to keep my mind occupied; to keep myself from bursting into the closet and dressing her up myself.

Two minutes ticked by agonisingly slow. One hundred and twenty seconds.

One hundred and twenty one.

One hundred and twenty two-

I tried to keep my anxiety at bay, but somehow  found myself knocking at her door agitatedly.

“What?” she whispered, poking her head out.

Suppressing a building urge in me to laugh at the sight of her messy bedhead, I retaliated with, “How long?”

She bit her lip, her face taking on an expression of intense concentration.

“How much longer?” I stressed the last syllables with a whine interjecting my voice.

She looked a bit annoyed, “Just wait a bit, okay?”

And promptly shut the door in the face of my renewed grumbles.

I resigned myself to staring at the assortment of different bottles and containers set out on her dressing table. And pens and screwed up pieces of paper. And dried up iridescent spillages of nail polishes. And big and small spritzers and sprays and blushes and foundation and bases and- what the hell-shimmers? What even…?

“Umm...you have  a lot of gunk.”

She poked her head out of her closet again, rubbing her eyes in weariness.

“What now?” she saw me examining a container up close with a bemused look on my face, and she muttered,” I don’t even know how to use most of that stuff.”

I looked at her pointedly. She shrugged, “Most of them are gifts anyway.”

“Okay. Fine. Just hurry up.” I straightened up, setting the thing down, and crossed my arms across my chest.

“But it’s sooo late”, she whined beseechingly, sticking out her bottom lip.

 ”Jeez. Bossy much?” she said in answer to the clucking of my tongue.

“It’s actually pretty early” I chuckled and held up her clock knowingly.

She pouted one last time, before glaring, and finally stepped out of the closet.

“Are you like some sort of a sadist?”

“Umm. Pretty sure I’m not...why?”

“If my parents catch us, we’re dead. And I am really sleepy. But- what the hell, I’ll just say you’re kidnapping me.”

I scoffed and swung myself off her rumpled bed.

“Grab a hoodie or a jacket, and come on out. And some water bottles too, on the way out.”  

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