Chapter 13: Motherly Love

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I knocked on the white door completely out of breath after climbing just 2 flights of stairs. This little boy was seriously wearing me out and wearing me down.
"Who is it" I heard the faint voice say as it got closer.
"It's your daughter" I said smiling as I heard the locks quickly turn. The door swung opened as I saw Brandon's mother. She was always so ecstatic when I can to visit her. I could see it all over her face. I think secretly some of it was the excitement of seeing my belly knowing her grandson was there.
"Andrea I didn't know you were coming over today. You know I don't like you climbing them stairs." She said grabbing my hand as we walked inside. I made it a habit to check on her.
"Ma I'm fine. Your grandson was wondering if you had some of them snicker doodle cookies. Now I told him grandmas probably tired and don't bother her but Ma he wouldn't let it be" I said grinning blaming my visit all on my baby. True I loved her cookies to death!!!!! They were so chewy and so soft in the middle and the edges where crispy and ughhhhh she had the perfect amount of cinnamon and sugar in every bit. But even with all that said that wasn't the reason I came. Brandon would work 12 hour shifts and come over here just to make sure she was okay even when he was exhausted. So since I was home more I decided to take the load off my baby's shoulders and take care of Ms. Bev.
"Oh my grandson huh. If I remember correctly someone called me about 2 days ago for cookies. But I think I may have some" she said as I jumped in the inside. She was making my night already.
"Oh Ma I brought dinner. I thought we could talk and relax for a couple hours. Get off your feet" I said as she looked at me.
"Now Andrea Brandon know better than to send you over here to take care of me. Y'all having yall own baby and you need your rest. I'm doing much better sweetie" she assumed this was Brandon's idea.
"No no no. Ma he doesn't even know I'm here. He's working and I wanted to spend some time with you. I know your a big girl" I said winking at her. Brandon was my family now and so was she. I unpacked all the food as she sat at the table. I was craving BBQ so I brought us some ribs potato salad and greens. I was starving.
"Your gonna love this food. I dream about it" I said going in the cabinets getting some plates. I made our plates and poured us some ice tea. "Here you go" I laid them down as we held hands to say grace. I noticed Ms. Bev was oddly quiet. She usually spoke more.
"You like the food?" I asked as she nibbled at it. Maybe BBQ wasn't the best idea I guess.
"Oh yeah it's good. Thanks sweetie" her words said she was okay but her actions not so much.
"Why you so quiet? Did I do something you didn't like" I said as I suddenly saw her wipe her eyes. Okay now I was worried.
"Ms. Bev what's the matter" I said getting up. She cried softly to herself as I got nervous. What did I do?
"It's just.....just" she got her words together as I listened intently. "Andrea when I was little my mother and father didn't want me because they were too young and didn't have enough love for me so my grandmother took me in. She was my mother and she introduced me to unconditional love. " I nodded trying to follow her story.
"I thought she was the only person in the world to love me but all that changed when I met Brandon's father. He showed me love on a different level. Not a day that went by that he didn't ask me about my day without having to ask. He told me I was beautiful every single day. He cooked for me all the time and always knew what I wanted just by looking at me. He would kiss me so many times a day I would loose count. He didn't care who was around or who was watching. Our connection was only sent by God himself. That was love" she said as I felt her.
"He sounds like someone I know" I said blushing. Brandon was just like his father. The same traits Ms. Bev was mentioning described Brandon to a T.
"Oh yeah. He was something. I knew if I left this earth that I experienced love from 2 people but when we had Brandon and his brothers. That was when my heart began to spill over. All the love I thought I was never gonna get I got that day. Nobody has ever cared for me like my grandmother and my boys. All 4 of them. When they all passed I only had BJ. He still gave me that love. He's the only one who takes care of me and watches out for me. He does it all by himself, that's until you came" she said as I got emotional. I understood why she said all that she said.
"Ma I truly love you like your my own mother. I see how much Brandon does for you and even though I can't replace none of the special people in your life I can try my best to just be there in any way I can." I said so grateful for her. She didn't have to let me in her life. I was dating her son. Not her. We weren't married and she had no responsibility to me. I've heard of so many mothers not wanting to let there sons go so they give the wives and girlfriends hell on earth but I guess I got lucky.
"Aww baby you are special to me. You've given your whole heart to my son and you've  giving me another man who I know will love me. I always wanted to get at least one of my boys back and now I can " she instantly broke down as we hugged. I knew our baby was special and a true gift from God but I didn't understand how special he was for her. This was a lot and I genuinely appreciated her expressing this to me. I would never forget this moment.
Love of my life: Boo I'm going to my mother's house to make her dinner and get her straight. I called you but you must be sleep. I'll be over when I'm done. I love you..
I hit the send button texting Dre. She ain't been answering my calls but she probably was sleeping. She ain't get much sleep before I left for work earlier today thanks to me but hey I was just doing my job. I pulled into my mother's complex parking around the back. I wasn't even goin play wit these people and park in front. My ass got 2 tickets and it was enough for me.
"Bam. I got my key and her food" I stopped and got her something for me to cook. I was tired but if she wasn't straight neither was I. As I got closer to the door I heard my mother's voice laughing and talking. Who the hell was she talking to at 10pm.
"I know damn well she ain't got no man over here" I said walking faster. She must be crazy. I put the key in the lock as my hand shook. I sure hoped I was wrong.
"You're lying how did that happen?" I heard as I opened that door with the quickness.
"Aye ma I just know you ain't got no man-" I said stopped in my tracks. To my surprise it was Dre.
"What were you saying?" She said standing up smiling at me. I did not expect her to be here.
"I said who is this gorgeous pregnant girl you got in here" I said as I hugged Dre. I missed her ass all day and now saw why she wasn't pickin up for me.
"I didn't know your mother had such an handsome son" she said as I grinned.
"And he single" I said as she smacked me playfully.
"Brandon" she said as I held her face.
"I'm jokin boo. I'm jokin. What's up" I said as she pecked my lips. My mother turned her head grabbing something as I smacked her ass making her crack up.
"BJ you might be fired. Andrea brought me dinner and did my hair and helped me clean up. I'm all set for bed" she said as I looked at Dre.
"You did all that?" I knew Andrea was a sweet person but did she really just look out for my moms like that?
"Yeah. I wanted to help out. I know the restaurant has been busy so I knew you probably was tired babe." She said like it was nothing. Me and my mother was all we had and not one day went by that I knew for a fact someone other than me would look out for her. It just wasn't our norm. But Dre proved me wrong. This was big in my book.
"And BJ we made cookies and she watched my shows you don't like watching with me. I had so much fun BJ." It's been a while since I heard my mother say out her mouth she had fun. I knew she loved me till no ends but I knew she wanted other women to be around. She had things on her mind she wanted to get out to someone other than me. I knew her that well.
"Oh is that right ma. So I'm not your best friend no more huh" I said as Dre went to the bathroom and I sat on the sofa.
"Baby you'll always be my best friend BJ. I just got another one" she said proudly as I nodded laughing. My mother deserved this.
"Oh aight. I got you" I said eyeing Dre as she came back.
"Oh Ma don't forget we're going to the movies Friday" she said as my mother shook her head.
"Where we going?" I asked not knowing about this.
"We're going to Amex by rio with my mom" Dre said pointing to the 2 of them. Those 3 were a trip.
"Why do I feel like I'm not invited and I'm off" I said as Dre sat next to me. They thought it was so funny.
"Babe it's girls night out. Not girls plus boyfriend. Another time handsome" she was playing me for my moms. I never thought I'd see this.
"That's right BJ. Another time" they laughed as I shook my head.
"I see how this goin work. Lil man they doin daddy wrong huh" I said kissing Dre's stomach. I knew he had my back and sure enough he kicked. "Daddy know man. When you get here we goin leave them" I said as they giggled. They talked some more as I did something I never did in my mother's house. Just sit. That's it.
"Andrea let me give you the blanket I made for my angel. It's so pretty" my mother said going to the back. I laid on her chest as she rubbed my head.
"Sleepy huh baby" she looked down at me running her nail thru my waves.
"Yeah but not too sleepy to do a lil somethin wit you after we leave here" I said as she bust out laughing.
"Behave yourself" she said biting her lip. I leaned up wanting her lips.
"Muah baby" she kissed me as we kissed back and forth.
"Thank you aight" I said on her lips. She ain't know how much this meant to me.
"Don't thank me baby. I wanted to do it" she said looking me in the eye. She was everything I ever needed.
"Nah you really deserve it. Thank you. I mean that Dre. You didn't have to do this but you did. I appreciate it boo. You made her day" I said so proud to be with a woman like her.
"She made my day too. I'm going to make sure I do this more often. I enjoy spending time with your mom babe. She's so genuine and real. I love her" she told me making my heart race. Damn she was perfect.
"And I love you" I said needing her.
"And I love you more" she said as I sat up getting closer.
"Damn I love you" I said kissing her. I put my tongue in her mouth as she moaned rubbing my chest.
"Sexy stopppp. Your mother is gonna see us" I heard her but I ain't really care. It was me and her in the moment.
"Shhhh and kiss me back boo" I said biting her bottom lip. We kissed as she wrapped her arms around my neck. My mother was goin be a minute. It always took her a while to find something.
"Mmmmm your lips baby" Dre said in a low tone. She was kissing the shit outta me. It ain't take long to make her see my way.
"Damn boo" I said licking her tongue. We was goin at it. The more I wanted it the more she wanted it and both of us wanting it made the situation worse.
"Baby we gotta go" she moaned in my ear. I knew she was weak right now.
"I parked around back. What you tryna do?" I said looking her up and down.
"You baby" she said as we fell right back into making out.
"Okay I got....oh I'm sorry BJ" my mother caught us as Dre quickly pushed my hand from her.
"Ms. Bev I'm sorry. I know better" she said as my mother laughed.
"It's nothing to be ashamed about. I know my BJ. He loves you and just like his father he'll show you." She said as I saw her get choked her.
"I member. I love your son too. And I know his father would be proud" idk what they discussed but I knew she had to really like Dre to talk about my father. That was a topic my mother didn't tell just anyone.
"Now y'all go head for I start getting all emotional." We got up saying goodbye. She hugged Dre and the baby first as she left out. She hugged me holding me tight.
"She's a keeper. Love her every second you get. Don't loose her BJ" she whispered as I nodded. 
"I won't ma. I won't." I was sure about that.
"Momma loves you so much BJ. I'm so proud of you" she said kissing my cheek.
"I love you too ma. I wouldn't even be me without you." I kissed her back as she squeezed me. Everyday this woman made me proud. She was strong and I wouldn't even have made it this far in life if it wasn't for her strength. I loved me some Beverly Marie Jefferson. My dad ain't live long enough to give her that last name but I was do what he couldn't wit my boo. Mark my word.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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