'Till Death Do Us Part, Dear (Ch. 2) Finished

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What Happened In The Last Chapter:

*Ring ring*

I looked at Mike wondering if Rick would answer.

*Ring ring*

*Hey this is Richard Adams. Whether your my favorite band or some new talent looking for an agent, leave me your name and number after the beap.*


"Ummm, hi Rick! It's Chad Kroeger and the rest of Nickelback. We just wanted to let you know that we're going off to the cabin. So, call us when you get this. Bye!"

"What did he say?" Mike asked me.

"He didn't answer."

"Hmm." Mike must have been thinking the exact same thing as me because Rick always answered his phone for us. Always.


CH. 2

We took the long way to the cabin, just in case. That meant a lot of twisty, deserted roads, and a lot of time to talk. Mike and I did our best to make sure the coversation never went in the direction of Clarissa or Rick. We both knew it would be best for everyone if they were kept in the dark. That still made me feel a bit bad, though. I mean, they're my bandmates...I should be able to tell them about Clarissa. I should even be able to tell them about Rick. But, I know it's better off this way.

After a few hours of changing the topics of different coversations, we arrived at the cabin. It wasn't too big. It didn't look like it was owned by someone famous, that's for sure. It was two stories high and basically looked like a typical cabin. It had to three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I needed all the space to get my creativity out.

As soon as we got out of the car, Ryan said, "Wow, Chad. Talk about getting away! You don't even have neighbors!"

"When your famous and you don't want people yelling your name 24/7, not having neighbors is a good thing," I replied while pulling a bag out of the back of my truck.

"Yeah, Ryan," Daniel said mockingly. "You should try it sometime."

"Not having neighbors?" Ryan asked.

"No, being famous!" Daniel said while laughing. Mike and I chucked.

"Haha! Very funny, Daniel! Last time I checked, people didn't even know who you were!"

Daniel gave him a dirty look. "That was one time! And she was an old lady!" Mike, Ryan, and I burst out laughing. "Aww, come on guys! Don't be like that!"

"Ok, ok!" I said while chuckling and wiping a tear from my eye. "We'll sto-" I couldn't finish because I started laughing again.

"Man, your messed up!" He walked away and grabbed his stuff out of the truck. "Come on you guys! We need to put our things away!" After that, we all tried our best to stop laughing and got our stuff. We walked inside and put our stuff down. Then we figured out who had to sleep on the couch. Daniel. He didn't mind though, he always used to sleep on the couch when we pulled all-nighters.

After everyone got settled in, we had dinner. While Daniel and Ryan were eating, Mike pulled me to the side and said, "What happened?"

"What are you talking about?" He was confusing me.

"What happened with Clarissa?" He repeated.

"Oh...," I took a moment to think things over before I answered him. "I told you already."

"Tell me again." He usually wasn't so mean about things, but I know he was just worried.

"She threw a dead cat at me!" I whispered.


"And she told me 'You can't run away from me, Chad! I will always find you...'"



He stayed silent.

"What?!" I said more frantically.

Just as he was going to answer me, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I said, desperate to end the conversation with Mike. I opened the door, but no one was there. "Hello?" I said. No answer. I looked around the porch. That's when I saw something was on the porch. I decided to bend down and take a closer look. It was a bunch of white roses. Then I noticed they were stained red, as if someone bleed on them. I jumped back and nearly knocked Mike over.

"What is it?" He asked.

"She's here."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2010 ⏰

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