'Till Death Do Us Part, Dear (Ch. 1) Finished

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CH. 1


"Clarissa... I think we should call off the wedding. You know, for now."

"What?!" She shreaked.

I took a moment to look her over before I answered her. Her short blonde hair was pulled back in a tiny pony tail and her green eyes were like daggers that were stabbing me repeatedly. At the moment, she was unpacking the last of her stuff, so she could move in with me. "I just think I should focus on the band a little more. That's all."

"How long would our wedding be postponed?" Her eyes seemed to question everything I did, as if, she didn't trust me at all. I'm the one who shouldn't trust her, well at least that's what my half-brother told me. Could she have really....No... I thought. Mike must be crazy, but I still should postpone the wedding for a bit. Just to make sure he's ok.

"I'm not sure. Mike...he's been acting weird lately... I think I should take him and the band away from the city life."

"I think our wedding is a little more important than your band and your half-brother's issues. Don't you think so?" She obviously wanted me to agree with her, but I had to know everything was ok.

"It is, but I still think I should give him a break," I said as confidently as possible. I knew she wouldn't be happy.

"Well, then he could take a break without you."

"You know I want him at our wedding. Besides, this could do all of us good."

"By 'all of us', you mean the band right?" She was starting to get really upset.

"No, not really. This will be good for us too!" I said, but I really didn't know how this will be good for us. All I knew was my half-brother thought something was wrong and I should trust him enough to figure out what was going on.

"God, Chad!! Why are you lying to me?!" She started crying. I tried to console her, but she pulled something out of one of her boxes and threw it at me before I had the chance. I dodged it just in time. That's when I looked down and saw what it was. A dead cat.

"What the...?" I was so confused. Could Mike be right? I kept looking at the dead cat as the remainder of it's blood trickled onto the carpet. The red color showing vibrantly on it's white surface. "Clarissa...?"

"Chad it's not what it looks like...!" I didn't even bother to listen to her excuses. I ran out the door, thankful that the truck was already packed up. I got into the driver's seat and drove off, but I still managed to hear her say, "You can't run away from me Chad! I will always find you and we WILL be happy!" I shivered at the thought of her finding me wherever I go.

I drove as fast as I could to Mike's house. When I got there, I found him sitting on his front steps with his bags. "Wow, you're a bit earily," He said. Then he noticed the horrified look on my face. "What, trouble in paradise?"

I paused before I said, "You were right! Oh, God!! You were right!"

"About Clarissa?" I nodded in response. "How do you know?"

"She threw a dead cat at me!" I started shaking. "We need to go pick up the others and leave. You know, before she finds out where we're going."

"Yeah, let's go." We put his things in the back of the truck and drove to Daniel's house. After that, we picked up Ryan. Then, we were off the the cabin. My cabin that I used to get away. The only people who know where it was, was our agent and the band mates. It was hidden deep in the Sherwood Forest. I always feel safe there, but I didn't like going there without someone knowing where we were, so I called our agent.

*Ring ring*

I looked at Mike wondering if Rick would answer.

*Ring ring*

*Hey this is Richard Adams. Whether your my favorite band or some new talent looking for an agent, leave me your name and number after the beap.*


"Ummm, hi Rick! It's Chad Kroeger and the rest of Nickelback. We just wanted to let you know that we're going off to the cabin. So, call us when you get this. Bye!"

"What did he say?" Mike asked me.

"He didn't answer."

"Hmm." Mike must have been thinking the exact same thing as me because Rick always answered his phone for us. Always.

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