Chapter 10

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Orion's POV

I sank lower into the warm water as Absinthe walked into the room. The servant women had cut my hair, lotioned my skin, finished, and left without being told.

"They have made you quite lovely," Absinthe said, light purple eyes twinkling in the candlelight.

I shifted self-consciously. The lotion made my skin feel weird, even in the water. My neck itched where stray strands of stray hair stuck to my skin. "Making me look good is about as likely as turning shit into gold," I murmured, hoping I sounded witty.

"Are you hungry?" Absinthe asked in her rich-as-velvet voice. I wanted to ask about Artemis, but I didn't want Absinthe to get mad and hurt her.

I nodded. I didn't trust my voice. I still could hardly believe that Artemis had brought me from my ratty, depressing life, to this.

"In this place, there are delicacies that taste better than all the food in your world." Her full lips twisted into a grin.

"And I'm allowed?"

"Very likely." Absinthe gestured to a pile of clothing. "Dress and I'll show you."

I was grateful when Absinthe left me to dress on my own. I quickly pulled on the blue velvet dress shirt and black dress pants.

Absinthe was waiting in the hall. She ran her fingers through my hair, smoothing it into place.

I wish I knew what was happening to Artemis right now.

"Come," Absinthe said, and I followed.

I could hear music and laughter from far away. We walked through opened silver doors to a garden where golden apples weighed the trees down nearly to the ground. A path of glowing white stones wound around the trees all throughout the garden.

"Go ahead," Absinthe said, nodding toward the trees. "Eat to your heart's desire."

I was no longer sure whether I was still hungry. But, to be polite and to avoid displeasing the girl, I went over and plucked an apple from one of the trees. The golden skin was cold to the touch, as though ice ran beneath the very surface.

I looked up at Absinthe, who appeared to be studying an emerald green finch perched in one of the trees. I took a cautious bite of the fruit. It was silver on the inside.

It tasted of fullness, of longing and wishful thinking and want, so that one bite left me empty. Absinthe smirked as she watched me lick the broken fruit, devoured the inside until nothing was left.

Several of the other guests gathered to watch me as I gorged. They were laughing. I didn't even care, all I could do was eat. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Absinthe was laughing harder than anyone else. A woman with long, curving nails tossed a mushy peach at me. It exploded on the dirt, but I quickly lapped up the busted pieces, soil and all. I licked the dirt after the fruit was gone, hoping for another drop.

Black ants crawled over the sticky, juices left by the fruit and I ate those as well, blindly questing to fill the emptiness.

After a few more minutes, Absinthe came forward, pressing what looked like an almond to my lips. I took it into my mouth without thinking. It tasted like sawdust, but I swallowed it anyway.

It felt solid in my stomach, and the overwhelming emptiness subsided. It left me sitting under one of the trees, dazed but aware. I looked at my filthy hands, the stained clothes, the laughing ghosts, and I choked back the tears like a child full of sheer helplessness.

"There, there," Absinthe said, smiling and patting my shoulder.

I stood, fists clenched.

"Poor Orion. You look so fragile, is your heart ok?" There was amusement in her voice.

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