◇Fuel To My Fire◇

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This thing we have going is incredible,

See the love shared between us two is unforgettable.

But in your world it's unthinkable, unheard of, unacceptable.

Yet you find a way to make it special, make it undeniable.......

Our bodies, minds, and souls were joined as one,

And I feel that you are the 'One'.

Looking at our skin together is pure beauty,

My mocha complexion against your cream.

And I just want to stay in your arms and live our dream.


Salvatore was my perfect match, I don't know how but we just worked. I could always be myself around him. I never had to change to please him, he loved me for who i was inside and out. I wish that we didn't have to sneak around to be together though. See he comes from a very strict Italian family. If his mother or father every found out he was dating outside of his race or his lifestyle, they would make it so we could never see each other. I just wanted to be able to go out with him and not have to worry about being seen.

"We would make beautiful babies." He said locking his fingers in mine.

"Like that would ever be accepted. Your family would disown you Sal, that I couldn't deal with." It was the truth, his family wants pure Italian blood. You'd have to be 100 percent to even become apart of their family. If and when I decide to have children I want them to be accepted not shunned away.

"Sada, do you ever think about yourself? The first thing that comes out your mouth is them disowning me, I don't want to hear that I want to know what you want."

"I want this to be okay, I'm tired of hiding and keeping us a secret. I want to be able to share our love with the world and be accepted." I said and he kissed me.

"I'll make it happen, I promise you this. Soon enough baby, we won't have to do all this sneaking shit." I smiled at him and returned the kiss.

As bad as I want to believe it I couldn't get my hopes up. I mean I wouldn't even know where to begin if I had to break the news to my parents that I was dating someone they didn't approve of. I know he just wants to make me happy and he feels the same way, but he's also not the type of guy to disappoint his family purposely. I laid across his chest just thinking about how much easier life would be if everything wasn't kept a secret. I could finally be completely happy. And the idea of little half Cape Verdean half Italian babies running around wouldn't be such a bad thing. Sal kissed my head and got out of the bed heading into the bathroom. I looked around in disappointment, it's sad that we have to meet up once a week in a hotel room just so we don't get caught.

"Baby I have to go take care of some business with my brother, I'll call you later." He said as he grabbed his clothes and started getting dressed. I just looked at him and nodded my head, back to reality.

Once he was gone I got up and took a shower. I got out wrapping my towel around me and started to brush my teeth. After getting dressed I checked out and headed home. The whole drive back I couldn't help but think about what Sal had said. How can he promise me that we'll be accepted as a couple, when his mom has been trying to set him up forever. I drove home in silence, in my thoughts. I love him so much that I would do anything to make him happy. Family is the most important thing to him and I don't want him to disappoint them. When I got home my sister Riah was the only one there, which I was happy about cuz I wasn't up for my parents nagging me.

"When are you gonna let me meet this boyfriend of yours?" Riah asked and I was shocked.

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Sada don't play with me I'm not stupid. Ever since you moved back home you've been sleeping out once a week, and you always come home looking like you just showered."

"I don't see how that means I have a boyfriend through." She wasn't making a valid point but it was the truth.

"Okay it might not but that mark on your neck does." I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. "Shit!"

"Relax, I can cover it but I want to know everything. "

I let Riah cover up mine and Sal's carelessness and then she started to work on my face. She was a licensed climatologist so she loved doing make up. I wasn't much into getting all made up but she was good at what she did. As she worked her magic I told her everything about us. She didn't really understand, but I didn't expect her to. If she knew Sal and knew the way he made me feel she'd get it. Riah wanted to go out and I didn't want to be home alone so I decided to go.


My mind was stuck on Sada, I didn't want to be here going over these surveillance tapes. Someone has been ripping us off at one of the clubs and my brother Vincent left me to look for anything suspicious.

"Sally boy! Let's go I know whoa looting us."

"So I just sat here for hours wasting my time? Vinny I swear you are a piece of work."

"This guy, always complaining I tell you." He said to his right hand man, Vedo. "Let's go kid, I need you to be the look out."


We were in VIP and Vinny was talking to the fellas. I really had no part in this job but to look out and make sure shit didn't get sloppy. I was looking over all the club goers and I spotted Sada, she was looking sexy as hell. I caught myself staring and didn't notice Vincent, Vedo, and Johnny were gone. Sada looked my way and I smiled, damn I wish I was down there with her. Sometimes I just wish I could just run away with her and start a new life with her. This isn't how I wanted to live but it's what I was born into. All of a sudden I felt my arm being jerked away.

"Let's go Sally!" John said. We went out back and Vinny was flipping shit.

"Figlio di Troia (Son of a bitch)" He yelled.

"Who was it Vin."

"That brutto figlio di puttana bastardo (ugly son of a bitch bastard) Pauly. I knew he was dirty, that unworthy pig." He was fuming.

"How much did he get us for?" I asked.

"There was 5 grand unaccounted for this month. Who knows how much more he took though, fuckin snake."

"Did you handle it or what?" He looked at me like I was a jerkoff.

"What do you think Sal? It's handled, him and his little puttanna (whore). I couldn't shut her up so I offed her too."

Vedo had the clean up crew take care of the mess and we headed home. Vin went straight to pop with an update. I didn't want to be involved with any of it so I went to bed. In this line of work nobody is trusted. Anyone can turn even the family. Anyone could be a rat, and the worst of them are inside rats. They will set you up then break bread with you over Sunday dinner. The seriousness of it all was no matter what you had to watch your back. I wanted to live and start a family but there was no easy way out and I'm scared that i could drag Sada into dangerous waters.

Unthinkable |An Interracial Love Short Story] (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now