73 ~Real Life Part 4~

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Natalie's POV

We were all gathered in Joes lounge room. Every single one of us. Just sitting on the couch watching a movie. Snuggling with Jack. I looked up at Jack giving him a "I think it's time look." He gets up and pauses the movie we were watching. "So.. guys.." He starts. I get up and stand next to him, intertwining our hands, hiding my ring. Everyone gives us a confused look. I stare at Jacks eye for a second then turning to face everyone. "There's something we need to tell you guys." I say smiling. "Oh no." Conor says quietly. "What do you mean "oh no" Conor?" Maddie said. We laughed. I look at Jack once more before we release hands. I quickly lift my hand up, showing the the ring from a distance, twinkling my fingers. "OH MY GOD NATALIE! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Hayley screams. Maddie, Leah, Hayley and Brooke all run over to me as I show them the ring. They were amazed. It was so beautiful. I calmed them down and started to explain.

"Well basically last night Jack and I went on a date. We had dinner, went to this place and then went to the beach when the sun was setting and it all happened there." I explain. "So your telling me, that you came home, spoke to me, and then went to bed, got ready this morning, went to lunch together and I didn't notice?!" Leah exclaimed. "Well Jack and I didn't want anyone to know so I took it off until before." I say. "Do Mum and Dad know?! Or did you not tell ANYONE Jack?!?!" Hayley asked. "Of course I asked them. But besides them no one else knew." "Awww" The boys go. "Oh shut up!" Jack said. "Honestly thought they were going to say they broke up." Mikey laughed. "Mikey, you idiot they were cuddling, kissing and holding hands before!" Connor explained. We all laughed. "Well congrats guys. We're all very happy for you." Joe said. "Thanks Joe." I say. "1.2..3.. Congrats!" They all yell. I smile. They all made me so happy.

We go and sit back if the couch finishing our movie later falling asleep.

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