A L E X I T H Y M I A | 1 5

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noun; The inability to express your feelings.

ANOTHER MONTHS HAS PASSED WITHOUT NEWS FROM JASPER. I started to get more worried about him. The longer the time passed, the more I miss him. I don't feel that mad at all. Even if he's still with his protective instinct on me and thinks that my safety is his priority, I can accept it. I don't mind if he's still careful to be near me and I don't care anymore if he doesn't want to do anything with me at all. All I ask is just for him to come back and just be here. I'll just keep hoping that he'll come home soon. He really needs some time, right?

Since then, I kept spending my time with Seth. When mom off to work on weekends, I would call him to come watch movies with me. So far, we will pick any movies that in each other's favorite list and watch it together. Today is my turn to pick out my favorite movies. I decided to pick out The Hunger Games while Seth just rolled his eyes on the couch.

"Don't roll your eyes on me! This is my favorite!" I said to him while put in the CD in the video player. Whenever Seth's turn to pick his movies, he would always play the actions. None of it was my taste anyway but I keep commenting every minute to make him annoyed.

It's been weeks though we were doing this but none of us feel bored of it because we're getting closer each day. But I knew there's something off with Seth whenever I pay attention to him. Like when I just sat beside him while scrolling Facebook on my phone, I would catch him dozed out in space while staring at me. I mean, obviously he's thinking of something but I felt strange. He's been like that since we were at the meadow.

His stares were something–like he's thinking of something about me. I don't know if it's true but I guess it was just my feelings. So I just shrugged it off as usual.

Seth takes a bowl of popcorn on the table and put on his lap while me getting ready with my pillow beside him on the couch. The movies just started about less than twenty minutes when Seth kept asking questions.

"Why would The Capitol do that? I mean the war is over right? Why can't they just give their people freedom?" Seth asked while putting a hand of popcorn in his mouth. He sure has a big appetite–it's true after all, he's one of the werewolves. I'm not surprised when I saw him changed in front of me. I mean I just knew it because of his eyes. The eyes were the same even when they shape shift.

"Just watch, Seth. Please, no more questions." I said while gave all my focus on Peeta Mellark. We were on the part where the folks of District 12 were assembled at the podium to see whose name got chosen for the game.

"That guy's cute isn't he?' I poked Seth beside me.

"Who? That square face?" I slapped on his arms and he yelped.

"His face not that square alright. He's cute." Seth rolled his eyes and rubbed the spot I hit him.

"Whatever." I chuckled and grab the bowl from him and stuffed a hand of popcorn inside my mouth. Normally, if it's my movies to watch, Seth would do the popcorn. It's what he calls 'fair' for both of us. When actually he just wants to makes popcorn for me because the first time I taste the one he made, it's like I'm in heaven. He would caramelized the popcorn and then mix it with chocolate syrup. Since then he likes to make the popcorn for me because he knew very well I love it.

I don't know why but I really find him amusing. I mean he will do anything that makes me happy–literally everything. I feel so lucky to have him. He brought me this feeling–the happiness but also normal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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