A R R I V A L S | 01

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Definition of AR·RI·VAL
noun ; a person who has arrived somewhere.

THE SKY LOOKS SO DIM AND IT FEEL so cold out side the airport in Forks. I pull my shawl a little tighter on my neck so that I can feel warm. I'm not used to this cold and rainy yet. I walk out from the main entrance just to found one familiar face , my mom. My beautiful mom. I miss her so much since I last saw her last year.

I ran to her and hug her tightly. I feel the warm of her body soothes me.

"I miss you so much. "

"Me too Jasmine." Her voice that sounds old but still the softest voice I've heard on the world.

"Let's go home now. It'll be rainy here in a bit."

I released the hug and pull my luggage in her car. We get in the car and drove away from the airport.

The weather here is not my kind of favorite but I like the cold a bit if I'm with my shawls and jackets. I gripped my hands together so that I feel a bit of warm. I look outside of the window , thinking what could possibly happen when I start staying here by today.

"So, mind telling me how's your time in Canada ?"

"Sure. The weather just nice and I miss my friends already, mom." She smiled.

"You don't have to worry Jaz, you are the kind of girl that easily make friends. "

"Sure." I look at her sarcastically.

"Well, how's your aunty doing? Is she still sick ?"

"Nope. She seems fine when I'm leaving though. It's fun having aunty May taking care of me." I smile while stare at my mom's reaction. Her face shows everything.

"Don't worry mom, you are the most best of taking care about me. I love you." She smile genuinely and hold my hands.

"You are my only daughter and of course I love you too sweetheart." I smiled.

I wish the school in Forks would be fun like in Canada. I'm hoping I can make friends as much as possible. I like to make friends because I feel comfortable to be around people. Just to open my heart on the outside part to them. I like to make them happy too if they sad. I'm kind of that person.

Coming in Forks after all the way from Canada made me very tired. The things is , I felt sorry for my mom. Leaving her alone just because I don't want to separate from my friends back in the Canada. She had to moved here because of her jobs. She seems fine on the outside but in the inside , I can see through it all. And the numbers on her head makes me very worry. The numbers written 96 days left. Panic rushing into my body and I'm scared to the death just thinking about it.

It's all started when I was six.

"I want to go there Aunty May! Can you please bring me there ?" I asked her if I can go to the nearest theme park since it's near and just a about few miles away. Since it's my first day ever have a holiday with her. She nodded.

"Sure honey. Anything for you. But, give me your most cherish smile to me."

"Easy!" I do the very sweetest smile to her and she pulls my cheeks.

"So cute! Let's go now."

We arrived early at the theme park and it's already full of people. I saw the colorful things around the theme park. It's looks very fun. I cannot be patient anymore so I pull Aunty May running into the theme park. She laughed over my excitement and go along with my childness . We got in lines for roller coaster. Mini roller coaster. But yet, it's fun enough to make you throw out a bit. So we wait as the line goes and suddenly , I look up to find numbers flying on the air. It's written number 00:00:30 and it's on reversed as if it's a countdown. Being a six year old of me, I count it along and the tragedy happens too fast. I saw a woman got off from the roller coaster while it's on the full speed , the highest and she fall out of it's seats , made her plunged to the floor. The screams and people running around to find an exit park made the situation worse. I can see the dead girl and the numbers written 00:00:00.

Since that accident, I can see numbers on everyone. It should be their secrets. I sometimes feel so sick thinking about it. It's a gift ever since that but I don't think it's a best gift. It's a bad gift and I hate it. Really hate it. If I'm lucky enough on some days , I might even hear a bit what their thoughts around me. Sometimes , it really troubled me to do my routines. It causes me headache and the pain around my chest causing me hard to breath.

So starting today I'm not being home schooled like in the Canada. I've got some friends way back there because they always come for Aunty May's delicious cookies and desserts. I have to keep myself together because I'll be seeing too many peoples and numbers or even voices in my head.

The house looking decent but pretty enough to stay. I took out my luggage and bring it into the house.
"Your room is on the upstairs. It have a ribbon on it's holder so go check them up." Mom told me while she help the food ready in the kitchen.
"Okay." I walk to upstairs and look for a door with a ribbon. I open the door to found the room is so beautiful and well ready for me to stay. The desk placed beside the window. The bed placed close to the wall on the left. I have my own bathroom and the white closet is just beside the bathroom's door. I looked around the room that painted white which is my favorite color , and sit on the bed. This room is so pleasant and I like it. I saw mom leaning beside the door, smiling.

"You like it?" I smiled and walk to her for hug.

"I freaking like it!" She laughed and pull away.

"There's more. You have your car parked outside. Have a look at it Jasmine." I smile and hurried to see the car. It's my first car and I'm so thrilled.

When I headed outside , I see a black Ford Mustang 1967. It's so classic , I thought.

"Mom, you don't have to-" I turn to her.

"It's alright Jasmine. I already bought it as a gift for you. Just use it wisely okay?"

I hug her again and say thank you for a billion times. I'm so grateful having a mom like her. Caring and lovely. We walked into the house and eat together that mom prepared. It's been a year I didn't feel mom's cooking and now I'll savor everything about her since it's 96 days left. The numbers on her head didn't seem to disappear.

The night comes in and I packed out everything in the white closet ,my bathroom and arrange the books I brought from Canada on my desk. I prepare my school bag before change my clothes into pajamas. I wash my face and ready to sleep. By the time I finish everything it's 11.48 p.m.. Mom open my door and walked in to say goodnight. She wished me luck for school because she might have to go work early than me.

I lay down on my bed and pull the comforter to cover my body as the rain falls outside. I turn off the lamp beside the bed and fell asleep fast because of tired.

Hope | Jasper Hale Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ