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Go easy on yourself. Ride into the burning sun and walk into the mouth of darkness with your head held high. Because none of this is easy and none of it is supposed to be . Life is hard. Love is hard. People are hard (dirty minded people, 'shut up!'). And learning new things about yourself is hard too.

So please, be kind to yourself. To your mind, body and soul. Be easy on yourself and spend some me time.

Remember,  you don't have to please everyone and you don't have to change for anyone either.  you just have to be okay with who you are, and know, that mistakes are bound to happen.

You're not meant to be perfect and you have your whole life to realize how true this is.


Life doesn't always introduce you to the people you want to meet.

Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you need to meet-
to help you,
to hurt you,
to leave you,
to love you,
and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become.

Imperfect Is Perfect: Messages From The HeartWhere stories live. Discover now