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Sometimes you have to save yourself. You have to mend your broken heart. You have to be the person who decides to change their own story and rewrites a new one.
Sometimes you need to give yourself the wake-up​ call you need when you're lost. You have to be the one who searches inside and outside for the truth, for your passion, for where you belong and what kind of life you want to live. You shouldn't wait for an opportunity to knock on your door or for someone to save your life.
Sometimes you have to break your own heart with the truth instead of living a lie. You have to leave certain people behind, confront those who wronged you in the past and walk away from the people you once loved. You have to knock some sense into yourself and force yourself to move on, to stop waiting, to stop wondering, to stop questioning. You have to convince yourself that you deserve better, that you shouldn't settle and that you should wait for a love that matches the one you're willing to give.
Sometimes you have to get comfortable with being alone.
Because at the end of the day, no one knows who you really are when all your masks fall off, no one sees what you see, no one feels what you feel and no one knows what truly keeps you up at night. You have to be your own person, you have to hold your own hand because you won't always be lucky enough to find someone who understands your journey or stands by you until you make it.
You won't always find people willing to climb a certain mountain with you.
Sometimes you have to climb alone — it's exhausting and tiring and draining but once you get to the top, everything will look so small. Everything will make sense. You'll be glad you made it, even if you're the only one enjoying the view.

Imperfect Is Perfect: Messages From The HeartWhere stories live. Discover now