Chapter 6: Explanations

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Me:*sneaking back onto the bounty* *whispering* no one knows I left so as long as I stay quiet...
Me: Ah Fudge Sticks!
Jay: this could get interesting!
Cole: oh shut up Jay!
Wu: where did you go!
Me: uh I have a life out side of this! Also I was working on pre writing the next couple of chapters! I just didn't post them. Btw sorry about that everyone! The only excuse I have is that I'm lazy! So please take this cookie and enjoy chapter 6🍪
Kai: she doesn't own ninjago but she owns the story and her ocs!
Chapter 6: Explanations
"Soooooooooooooooooo... What is going on!" Jay and Lloyd had gone to the game room.

"About what?" Lloyd asked, trying not to talk about Kia.

"With Kai genius! What happened and don't leave out any detail!" Jay was being his nosy self, as usual.

"Fine this is what happened..."Lloyd, knowing Jay wouldn't give up till he knew what he wanted to know, explained everything from the staff to when Nya called on the intercom. "...and as I left, I saw his hand light on fire like he couldn't control it."

"... woah... All that really happened? No wonder Kia is upset!" Jay said. Now that he knew it seemed so clear. "So he was corrupted by the staffs power? Sounds so weird when you say it out loud."

"Yah. It was kinda scary. His eyes turned as red as his gi and he almost hit Skylor and I with my own power!'' Lloyd told Jay. Just then Kai walked by. He looked distant as he headed outside.

"Hey Kai, where you heading?" Lloyd asked the red ninja.

"Just outside. How are you guys?" Kai said. The two ninja were kinda surprised that he was talking normally and not seeming like he was talking only because he was forced.

"We are good, just... playing video games." Jay quickly said so that he could avoid the fact that they were talking about him. "Want to play?"

"No I'm good." Kai said. "By the way, you can't play video games when the tv is turned off." Then went out to the deck to get fresh air.

"Well ok... You're right he is distant. I hope he gets over his quick because I miss the old, not as mad at Jay, Kai!" Jay exclaimed. This earned a laugh from Lloyd. Then they picked up there controllers, turned on the tv, and played some games.
______________________________________________________________________________On the deck, Kai was looking off the side of the ship when his sister came over to him. He had been wanting to talk with her for a while now. She didn't know that Kai had turned evil for real and not just pretending to trick Chen. Her being his sister, Kai believed that she would understand.

"Hey sis. I've been needing to talk to you." He told his sister.

"Sure bro, what's up?" Nya asked.

"Well you see... you remember on Chen's island when you guys crashed through the wall and started fighting Chen's minions? Well you see, before you guys crashed in I got my hands on Chen's staff." Kai starred to explain.

"Awesome! So why didn't you smash the crystal then?" She asked.

"Well when I got it, it corrupted me, bringing out a side off me i didn't think i had! I felt... evil."

"What! Bro that's crazy you're not evil. What do you mean by evil?''

"Well it brought out apparently my still jealousy for Lloyd being the green ninja! I thought I got over that a long time ago!" He explained.

"Well..." she started to say. "Hey, what's that!"
"'Looks like someplace the Dark Six have been. I recognize that purple ice. I don't see them there now." Kai told his sister.

"Well It was good talking to you bro, but I have something i need to get done so see ya later. Oh and Kai," she said as she walked out. "You're not evil."
"Hey guys," Nya said to Lloyd and Jay. they were playing video games, as she expected.
"Hey Nya, can we talk." Lloyd asked her.

"Let me guess, about my brother." Nya guessed.

"Ya, you see..." Jay started.

"You can save it, he already told me what happened with the staff and all." she said to them. The two ninja were shocked, He told her freely? Lloyd thought.

"Did he really turn evil when he got the staff?" She asked

"Ya but that's not all..." Lloyd explained everything that happened when both Jay and Lloyd confronted him. "And that's everything."

"Wow. If this is really happening, we might be in for more than I expected!" Nya exclaimed.
Me: ...and that is all the places I went.
Wu: you could have told us or written a note or something!
Me: nope! I have my own life!
Lloyd: I find this amusing any one else?
Jay Kai Cole: *raises hand*
Me: *shoots lightning from a storm cloud at there hands*
Kai Cole: OWWWWW!!!!
Jay: haha classic!
Me: haha ya so anyway I hope you enjoyed chapter 6 I will try to update more frequently from now on! THANKIES!!!!!

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