Results :3

32 1 1

Congratulations to Bek3000 for you have won the Upside Down Writing Contest!! (See side for your round of applause). It was a hard descion because you all had such awesome entries. If you desire to read her stories you can do so on her page which will be with the links.

Now of course all four of you are winners, so here are the rankings below along with your prize:

1. Bek3000 has won a fan, a dedication, a shout-out, and an honest comment on the work of your choice.

2. aprilkirk has won a dedication, a shout-out, and an honest comment on the work of your choice.

3. ThirteenthChild has won a dedication and a shout-out

wires_ did not submit a story.

All shout-outs can be seen on my profile, dedications are on chapters of my story Wind Whisperer, and people who have earned a read and comment on the work of their choice needs to comment/PM which work they have chosen.

Thank you all for participating

If you want to be notified about future contests follow me and I will put you on my list.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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