The Final Round!

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Thank you all for your stories, they were great. Unfortunately @WrittenOnRaindrops, @IamSiobhan, and @popwatt13 did not submit an entry, so they have been eliminated. Because of this, we are skipping to the last round! Since there are four of you left (and four prize categorys) this round will determine your rank and your prize. Your other two entries will be considered also (Anyone watch Chopped?) but it is this entry that holds the most weight. So do your best!

The fairy tale for this round is: Beauty and the Beast

Your entry must be 2-10 Wattpad pages long and is due on July 1st. You can comment the link herer or PM me. Happy Writing :)

Ze Contestants:

@ThirteenthChild Submitted!


@aprilkirk Submitted!


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