Chapter 11

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Draco looked shocked, "Hannah, where are we?" 

    "My home, my muggle home." I whispered. I looked around my room, nothing changed. The walls are still a faded blue and my posters still hung on the walls, my room still smelt like lavender with a hint of siege, and my books till scatted around the room. Draco was taking in the room. He probably was not use to such a simple home, he grew up with money, he probably was even class president. He picked up a picture on my nightstand, it was a picture of me and Tyler last summer. I remember that day, he dragged me to the swimming hole and snapped that picture of use when I wasn't paying attention.

    Draco sat the picture down, " I didn't believe it when they said you were one of the most powerful witch of our generation." I looked at him making a weird face,

    "I'm sorry for dragging you here, it's my safe place." I mumbled. "Let's go downstairs, Aunt May will be excited to see us." He followed me downstairs, we found Aunt May in the kitchen.

    "Hello, Aunt May!" Aunt May turned around and rushed over to hug me. She stepped back and looked at Draco.

    "Oh, this Draco. Draco meet Aunt May, and Aunt May this Draco Malfoy." 

    They exchanged quick hellos. I began to catch her up on what was happening and everything Draco told me.

    We decide to stay the night here. 

As me and Draco settled into bed we decided to put pillows in between us to make it less weird. There wasn't anywhere he could really sleep but with me. Under the blankets he found my hand and gripped it. " I'm sorry, Hannah." He mumbled in his sleep. I had forgiven him, it wasn't his fault his parents dragged him into it. I was sad him and I thrown into a world we both couldn't understand. 

    In the middle of the night I woke up with Draco's arms wrapped around me. He was snoring softly, I ran my fingers through his hair. He seemed to relax more in his sleep. He was trying to protect  me, not for anyone just for himself. All of a sudden I got a pain where my scar was. I yelled out in pain. Draco immediately woke up and grabbed me. 

    "What's wrong?" He said running his hands over my body, "Hannah, talk to me" I passed out from the pain. 

    I was having visions of a snake and him....talking to Tyler and they both were looking into a mirror with Harry in it...

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