Chapter 4 - unlucky for me

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~Lucy's POV~

Yesterday I had lunch with Dragneel and his friends. Let's just say it was awkward. Natsu and that raven haired boy were fighting all the time. A black long haired boy joined too. And everything went wild when they destroyed Erza's strawberry cake.

I woke up early in the morning. I just did my everyday morning routine. I decided to go to the park. It was 7.30 am, so I have a lot of time. I was sitting on a bench drawing something. It ended up being a grave, where my parents are buried. They died by a car accident.

I miss them every day, seeing the lonely house. I do have a brother, but he took over our business. I don't see him often.

Then I almost had a heart atttack.

"Hey, Heartfilia girl," someone said. I recognized it directly. It was Natsu. Great.

I rolled my eyes. I turned my head and looked at him. "What the hell do you want? And why are you here? Just leave me alone."

"Relax, I haven't done anything bad to you yet. And I'm here because my little sister wanted to go." Natsu pointed to a little girl. Then one end of his lip tugged upwards. "Do you think I'm stalking you, Heartfilia?"

I scoffed, unamused.

The girl came to Natsu and he messed up her hair playfully. She pouted.
He smiled at her, and you could definitely see that he loves her.

There is always two sides of a coin.

"Who is this girl? Is she your girlfriend? She is pretty," the girl said.

I blushed at her comment. Her and Natsu are nothing alike.

"I'm Lucy, nice to meet you." I streched my hand out for her to shake it.

"I'm Wendy, the sister of this big headed idiot there."

So cute, the Natsu part was totally true. I giggled.

"Hey! Not funny, Wendy," Natsu pouted like a child. I had to admit though, it wasn't everyday I would see him pout.

Most of the time in classes he gives a lazy vibe, or a 'I'm too good to be making some stupid exercises' vibe.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Is she your girlfriend?" Wendy asked. He shook his head.

"No, we aren't a couple, Wendy. She is just a... friend," he said and literally looked me in the eye, raising his eyebrow.

It's not like I like you too, Natsu.

"More like an acquaintance," I said, looking at Natsu. Black. He always wears dark colors. Most time he has black or dark blue. Or red.

"Well, see ya. Nice meeting you, Wendy." I waved a little, coming off too shy for my liking.

"Yeah, see you in school," Natsu called out, fake sweetness in his voice.

I rolled my eyes, of course Natsu, we sit next to each other.

"I hope we meet again," the cute, little blue haired child said.

"Yeah, me too," I said back with a smile.

I was on school with my friends and laughing. They would tell funny jokes. I laughed until Natsu walked by and stared at me. His eyes wandered slowly down until it was on my chest.

It's not like I didn't expect it from him. He's a creep himself. I acted like I didn't see it. He is so obvious. He walked to his friends.

"We have to go to the mall somet—" I was cut off by the bell. "...time," I finished, groaning.

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