You did what?!?

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Kate: yeah Anthony
Anthony: I wanna tell everyone that we're dating
Kate: I wanna wait
Anthony: well I wan't to tell everyone instead of keeping it a secret
Kate: well have you ever herd of a personal life we're things are keep from people for a reason
Anthony: you can stop acting bitchy and lose the f*cking attitude
Kate: come again who the hell do you think your talking to
Anthony: you your acting bitchy and got a attitude for no reason like it's not a big deal
Kate: not a big deal my ass you need to respect that I'm not ready to tell everyone that we're
Anthony: whatever I'm leaving
Kate: yeah walk away bye
The party
Jake: are y'all ready to get litttttttt
Chance: he'll yeah
Tessa: Anthony are you drinking
Anthony: yup I'm stressed out right no I just want to clear my mind
Tessa: Erika can i talk to you for a second
Erika: yea in private
Tessa: yeah, Anthony's drinking and you know him and Kate are fighting I don't want him to do something stupid
Erika: I'm hoping he doesn't
Jake: okay guys we need to start getting ready for this party
Kade: alright what's the plan
Jake: Kade get the drinks chance and Anthony get some food that we can cook out on I'm going to go make sure the DJ is set up and ready to party 🎈
Justin: it is gonna be lit
Chris: not for you, your not 21 yet
Justin: nether can your sister
Chris: duh she only 18
Justin: I'm going to go start editing what time dose the party start
Jake: 7
Justin: okay I will see you guys later I will be in my room if you need me
Jake: alright bro
Kade: alright guys let's separate
7:00 pm the party
Erika: is everything set up right
Jake: I think so
Chris: alright let's go get litttt
Anthony: Hell yeah
Erika: Tessa it's only 8 and Anthony is alright a good 18 drinks in
Tessa: yea he needs to slow down
Erika: where is Kate
Tessa: in her room she doesn't want to deal with Anthony right now
Erika: I wouldn't blame her he's acting childish as f*cj
Jake: what are you guys talking about
Erika: you need to tell Anthony to slow down on the drinks
Jake: I will go talk to him
Anthony: hey brooo
Jake: bro you need to slow down on the drinks
Anthony: I'm fine I'm not even that drunk you now what I'm sayin
Jake: dude your not even finishing your words that's how you now your messed up
Anthony: it's what ever I will see you later I'm going to the kitchen I'm hungry
Anthony's pov
I think I'm drunk my vision is a little messed up I'm walking side ways but it's all good.
Amanda: hey Anthony this is my friend Kaitlyn she just moved here so I wanted to introduce her to all of
My friends
Anthony: hey Kaityln I'm Anthony nice to meet
Amanda: I will be back
Kaitlyn: so we're you from
Anthony: Ohio duh where you from
Kaitlyn: I'm from Arizona
Anthony: that's pretty lit
One hour of getting to now each other
Anthony: how old are you
Kaityln: 19 almost 20
Anthony: lit
Anthony pov still
I was so drunk by now I don't even remember her name I was just going with everything I'm so drunk I don't even know where I'm at right now
Kaitlyn: u ok
Anthony: yeah
My drink body told me to do something bad that I should have never done I kissed her!!!!!!!!
Kate's pov
There was a partying going on but I have been in my room all day I went to the kitchen to get water I saw Anythony was talking to another girl so I watched for  10 minutes then he kissed her and she kissed back
Kate: Anthony are you f*cking serious right now
Anthony: Kate please
Kate: no where done bud have a fun time with her you man whore
I ran to my room and locked it I was embarrassed every one was watching my hear felt like it got stabbed into a million pieces I finally let a guy back in to my life and I learned what Love was again
But I guess not all love is what you think it is I thought Anthony was better then that I no longer wanted to be here I was crying so much I wanted to be with my mom I'm done with everything at this point always when something is going good it goes bad!

This is it I'm going on my laptop to find the earliest flight to Kansas I need to be with my mom like right now. The earliest I good get was 6 am tomorrow witch gives me enough time to pack everything!!

Wants I'm done I just chill on my bed a think about everything
Erika:'what happened
Jake: Anthony kissed another right in front of Kate
Tessa: no way
Chance: I just took him to the room I can't believe he did that and she ended things with him it's big drama now
Erika: I'm going to go talk to her
Knock knock!
Kate: go away
Erika: it's me
Kate: what's up
Erika: I herd what Anthony did do you need to talk
Kate: honestly I'm so shocked that he did that I though he was better then that
Erika: so are you guys still together
Kate: no i ended things with him, and I need to go home and be with my mom
Erika: are you gonna come back
Kate: I don't know it is really hard to face the fact that my ex boyfriend cheated on me and I have to live in the same house
Erika: if you don't I'm really gonna miss you but I have to make sure your happy and be where you wanna be because that's selfish to hold you here
Kate: I'm gonna miss you to but right now I want to be away from Anthony as far as possible
Erika: I get you girl well you better get some sleep u have a early flight
Kate: I will I'm gonna text my mom and let her know
Kate: hey mom I'm coming home tomorrow some thing happened and I need to be home but don't worry I will explain everything soon bye love you!

Skip the boring flight!!!!
Lizzy: hey hunny
Hey mom! , we will talk when we get back home

My heart was pounding very fast the weather was very rainy there was no sun. I was scared to tell my mom Anthony cheated on me not only that to face
the fact that
This would have been longer but I thought I should give y'all a sneak peek!

Tanner Braungardts neighbor  Where stories live. Discover now