A huge crash?

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Kim: I got a call about 10 mins ago saying that tanner and Quentin got in a car crash with some off there friends
Kate: oh my are they hurt? Are they ok?
Kim: I don't know all they said it was
Kate: oh my *starts to cry
Kim: do you wanna go to the hospital with me
Kate: yea let me get dressed and I will text my mom on the way there
Kim: ok
Doctor: the wreck was pretty bad we haven't got really much back round yet but we will try to get it to you as quick as possible
Kim: thank you have you called Quentin's mom
Doctor: yes she should be here shortly
*kate texting her
Hey mom I am at the hospital I'm fine but tanners not I got a call saying he got in a bad accident so me and Kim are up here now trying to figure out everything call me when you wake up 💕
Kim: did you text your mom
Kate: yea
Quentin's mom: has anything new came up?
Kim: no they haven't said anything
Quentin's mom: I hope there ok
Kim: me to
*text from lizzy
Is everything ok
Kate: we don't know yet
1:30 pm
Doctor: the nurse is going to hand me the papers to tell y'all if your sons will be alright but we are predicting that the driver lost control of the car going around the curve we don't know how fast he was going
Nurse: here you go
Doctor: thank you. I will start with Quentin's mom your son will be ok but he is coming out with a fractured wrist
Quentin's mom: thank goodness
Doctor: Dylan's mom he will be ok nothing went wrong with him. Blake's mom(tanners friend) Blake was driving he broke his leg in two different spots and his nose was a little messed up but we will take care of it
Blake's mom: as long he is still alive but I'm still upset that he has a broken leg.
Doctor: and miss Kim I hate to say this
*kates mind oh no did tanner not make it
Tanner got it the worst he has to go in to surgery for a lot of things but not only that the surgery might put him in a coma
Kate: * starts to cry oh no
Kim: *my poor baby
Taylor and Tristan: *noooooo
Kate: this can't be happening no
Kim: my son
Doctor: I'm so sorry we are trying are best
Kim: I know we're upset but we have to pray that everything is ok
Doctor: Dylan and Quentin will be able to go home today I'm going to go get them
Quentin: what's going on why are they crying
Quentin's mom: tanner might go into a coma
Quentin: not my best friend no
Quentin's mom: I'm so sorry honey we're going to keep praying
Quentin: I'm staying here the whole time
Kim: Quentin go home and get some rest
Quentin: I don't wanna leave
*taylor and Kate talking
Taylor: I can't believe this
Kate: I know it seems in real I'm hoping everything goes well
Taylor: I know what will we do with our him here it won't be the same
*taylor and Kate start to cry
After surgery
Doctor: tanner did go into a coma you guys can go sit in there if you want
Kim: how long do you think he will be in a coma?
Doctor: a coma can last up to years but I'm thinking maybe a week or two weeks
Kim: hopefully that's it
Lizzy: we brought flowers and food for you guys I was thinking you guys might be hungry
Kate: thanks mom
Kim: thank you lizzy
Lizzy: if you ever need anything or need to talk I'm here for you
Kim: thanks i really appreciate it
Lizzy: I want to just give a heads up there paparazzi all outside
Kim: just great
Taylor: all of my friends from school are texting me and o don't really wanna talk about it to them
Kim: honey put your phone on do not disturb or tell them you can't y'all right now I'm sure they will understand
Taylor: ok
*all of a sudden the machines started to come in and nurses started to rush in
Nurse: you guys have to get out
Kim: what going on what's wrong with him
Nurse: you have to go I'm sorry
Kim: nooo
Lizzy: come here Kim *they hug
Kate: noooo please let tanner be alright
30 mins later
Nurse: we are really scared about his health
Kim: what dose that mean
Nurse: at this point it means he only has a 50% chance of living
Kim: no when can we go see him
Nurse: in about 5 mins
Kim: were all going to get a moment alone with him
Nurse: ok
Kim: I will go first. Tanner my son I love you so much please come back to us you mean so much to so many people and I don't know what I would do without you I love you
Quentin: come on dude you need to come back to your family your friends fans everyone loves you remember when my dad was in the hospital you told me never give up stay strong I'm staying strong for your family but we miss you so much
*everyone else went them it was Kate's turn
Kate: tanner please come back to me the first day I meet you I knew I could never stop being around you they day you asked me to be your girlfriend and to homecoming whenever we hangout those were some of the best days of my life I need you to come back for us I love you very much I don't know what I would do*starts to cry please tanner
*tanners eyes open
Kate: Kim hey in here

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