The Background Part 3-What goes bump in the night

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Hai my little burritos :D in this part, I had realized that I had a gift that I never knew I had. It was scary at first, but I learned to cope with it.

...............................................................................................................................................................................................Ok, this is placed in two week later. I met a new girl named Chasitity, and she was also close friends with Gabby. So we decided to have a sleepover at my house. At this time, kids were just liking the whole 'bloody mary' conspect. And guess what these two girls did during the sleepover in the middle of the night? B.M. (sorry, i didn't want to say her name three times. I'm still scared of what i'm about to write)

I was one of those little kids you call 'scaredy cats', and I had to leave my room when they did it. Oh yes, they didn't do it in the bathroom, oh no they didn't. I had a mirror in my room, right by the side of my bed. And they decided to do it there...where I fudging sleep.

But it wasn't until 3 days later that this had happened. And in case you don't know, the number 3 is the devil's number to mock God. One for God, another for Jesus, and the last one for the Holy Ghost. That's why we have to say B.M (sorry, still don't wanna say it) 3 times. And that's why the devils only has 3 fingers, and if you saw the conjuring, that's why the clock kept on stopping on 3 AM.

Moving on... this is what happened.


I was sound asleep. Having a dream that I was holding Jonathan's hands once again. But then, something happened in the dream. I wanted to scream so loud, but nothing would come out. Nada, Zilch, 0. Then I woke up so quickly, like how you would if you just had a nightmare.

But when I woke up, tears were in my eyes. And also another thing, that was new. I wasn't breathing, and it felt as if something had it's hands around my neck. I tried to scream 'mommy' or 'daddy' but to my dismay, nothing came.

Then, a lady appeared. Her face was completely white,  red eyes that was formed in such anger, and red lips. She kept on getting closer...and closer... I kept on pushing myself closer and closer to the farthest corner of my bed. I cried at what I saw. I was terrified by all means.

Their stench filled my nostrils, as it was so strong. The scent of death, of rotten flesh. I could even smell rotten blood. Like I had said, I was terrrified. But this...this took my terror to a whole new level.

...There was many dead people in my room. I was surrounded by people who looked so much like her. They kept on getting closer and closer to me also, as each second would go by. They would somehow get closer, and closer, and closer...

I could smell their nasty rotten breath at this point. The lady's head was right above my chin, as I kept it high off as far as I can. I tried not to look at their eyes, oh did I try so hard. But it's impossible not to. They are creating a dome arround my small body. Every angle I would look at, they would be there.

Then I remembered of what my mother had said. I had to pray if anything bad was happening. God can always help his children, like Momma would for me. That's what I did. I couldn't say it, I couldn't breathe. So I had to pray in my head, and boy, did the lady's face get angry. I prayed louder in my head, and soon, the bodies surrounding me started to stop moving towards me. I kept on praying, and praying, louder, and louder...

They had the most terrifying screeches, trying to cover their ears. Hissing so loud and slowly backed away. After the lady backed away from me, i could breath again, so I took this as an advantage.

"I demand you to go!" I screamed. "Get out!" I screamed louder. My voice kept on getting louder and louder escalating by each word. "Leave!" My room lights began to flicker on and off, and my closed closet opened. There, I saw something that I never would forget...

It was a whole different world. Gray everywhere, with black shades that looked like people, only deformed. Something grabed the people down there, and right when they went in my closet, it closed. My room lights turned on, and finally I could hear banging on my door.

"Stop!" i finally say, and the banging ended.

It was finally quiet. I could still hear the screeches they had made when they fell in that creepy place in my closet. I could even hear some scratches.

I took this time to catch my breath, and to calm down. Then it dawned to me of had just happened, and i curled up into a little ball, and cried. I didn't feel safe at all. My feet touched the cold wooden floor, and I ran to my parents room.

I didn't even knock, I just barged in. "Mom!" My hand wiped my cheek, "Dad!"  They both woke up.

Told them everything. Did they belive me? Ah! who am I kidding-no the didn't!

"And then the-they ran to my closet- there was a whole new world in there too! I can't sleep there" Those hiccups you get when you cry too hard started to kick in.

"Honey, it was just a really bad dream" Says my mother.

"Yeah, why don't you just sleep with your little sister"

I shook my head yes, taking this as the truth. That it was all just a bad dream. I walked to my litt;e sister's room, and slept really close to her- no matter how many times i've been kicked in my stomach- i still felt at least somewhat safe. My eyes looked at the time. 3:21 am. That means that all of it started at 3 am.

For some odd reason, I remembered this. My eyes closed from exhaustion. After many attempts to tell myself that I was going to be ok, and that everything was alright, I finally fell asleep.

it was just a bad dream...i'm alright, its ok...

Everything's going to be alright...

I was sleep, and i was still thinking that I was going to be ok.

But I still heard whispers at this point. It was dark, i didn't really recall this as a dream. It was one of those dreams when all you remember is the darkness, nothing else. I heard my voice saying:

it's ok, i'm ok...It was just a bad dream...

That's when i heard a demonic voice coming from the whispers, saying

"No it's not"


Hey guys! scared yet? I know I am! I was so glad when everytime i would post a chapter, i would always see those reads getting higher and higher. Ah, my little burritos :D I love you all.

I know that this might sound desperate, but can you please share this on something to spread this story out? That would surely help me, alot. Thanks :D

anyways, please




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