Chapter 2 Undercover

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It was 10pm Ali and Oliver started walking through the dark alley. They made a deal with the police.

"Uh, I'm nervous man." Ali said.

"The police have our backs." Oliver said then they continued walking.

"Here comes the new n*ggas." a buff gang member said with his cupping his crouch(I don't know what gangsters do). There were a hug pile of other gangsters behind him.

"You here to to join the doe game." another gangsta said.

"Yeah, like totally, we selling that doe like whoa." Oliver said.

"Like yeah, I remember you he used to sell it when he was a little homie and now he sells more cause he's bid homie." Ali said.

"Yo what the hell is that n*gga talking about?!" a chubby gangsta asked.

"Man I don't know give him a box." the buff gangsta said then the chubby one gave him the box.

He opened it showing them.

"Fifty pounds of weed." the chubby gangsta said.

"Yeah, I'll sell this in like five minutes, I be sells dis sh*t in the park yanno." Oliver said.

"N*gga just go." the chubby gangsta said pushing him away.

"Come back for more after you sell that." the buff gangsta said then Ali and Oliver gave him a reassuring nod and walked away.

Ali and Oliver went around the corner where the police were in there van.

"Did you get it?" the policeman asked.

"Yep." Oliver said handing him the box.

The policeman opened it.

"Looks real to me. Good job boys." the policeman said.

"Now what?" Ali asked.

"We call for backup." the policeman said then started calling for more cops.

"You boys keep away. Its gonna be a shoot out." The other policeman in the van said.

Ali and Oliver started walking away.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Ali said.

"Yes. Those were the guys that killed your mother Ali, and on top of that were getting paid 90 grand for finally throwing those guys in jail." Oliver said.

"What if they come after us?" Ali asked.

"No matter what happens we'll be fine." Oliver said as they kept walk but jumped up when they heard shooting and police sirens.

There were was shoot out going on in the dark alley. The gangsters were firing rapidly at the police. Most gang members retreated and got away. Some were killed instantly. Ali and Oliver got closer to the fight. Oliver reached out his hand trying to grab the gun of a fallen gang member. He quickly picked it up leaned against the wall. Ali did the same and got the gun. They ran home. Oliver's mom Marie opened the door. They quick hide the guns on their pant hoping it won't go off.

"Where in tarnation have you boys been?" Marie asked putting her hands on her hips.

"We were at work then we went to help someone." Oliver said.

"Well come on in your suppers gettin cold." Marie said then walked inside.

"Okay let's hide the guns upstairs." Oliver said then they went inside the house.

They saw Oliver's father Carson on the couch drinking beer and watching a game.

"What you boy boys been up to?" Carson asked chuckling.

"Making deals, settling scores, you." Ali said.

"Nothin much so far." Carson said then Ali and Oliver went upstairs.

They went to there rooms and secured the guns on the roof under their beds. Then went back downstairs to eat dinner. They brushed there teeth, showered, and went to bed. In the morning was they headed for another day of awkwardness at school.

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