A New Beginning

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Park Hae Kang/ Stephanie

Nationality: Phillipine/Korean

Skills and Abilities

She is a proclaimed prodigy, for her prowess and strong understanding of the science field. Her most notable skill was in her AV work. Although her expertise lies as a technician, she is perfectly adaptable to other fields in the science stream. She has graduated from Harvard with a master degree as a technician. She also owns three bachelor degrees in technology, chemistry and forensic science. She has a great eye for detail, and is very logical and observant. She has an extraordinary intellectual mind and has a natural affinity to her studies. 

Coming from a military-based family, she is a very accomplished agent and spy. She is deceptively strong, although not superhuman. She is a brutal master martial artist; for she has mastered karate, judo, aikido, savate, boxing, lucha-libre wrestling and multiple styles of kung fu. She is also an Olympic class gymnast, acrobat and aerialist. Having a very keen eyesight, her accuracy is virtually unerring as a marksman; she was trained in her youth in the military with guns, throwing blades, balls, bolas, and boomerangs. She now has near-perfect precision with any aimed or thrown weapon. She can hurl objects with extreme speed and accuracy, both in direct aim and complicated rebounds/interactions.

As a dangerous secret agent, she is also trained in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. if needed, she was also a talented seductress and an interrogator, perfectly able to manipulate and trick people to telling her what she needs. Her talent and years of experience enabled her to be a crucial person in the Korean military. She is also a multilingual: she is fluent in languages such as English, Korean, mandarin, Japanese, french, and various other languages.

She possesses exceptional human strength, reflexes and agility, capable of many difficult feats. Not only that, she has excellent endurance and stamina for she had suffered difficult training in the military throughout her entire life.  


Born from a wealthy, yet military and science-background family, her life with her parents did not last long since they died during a terrorist attack, although they did leave a big sum of money for her. She is also half Philippine and Korean. Since then, she was taken care by a single man who was extremely close to her father called Kim Yang Jun, whom she is very protective of. All her life, she was constantly studying and training as a secret military agent, scientist, assassin if needed, and partly a crime scene investigator. She graduated from Harvard when she was 18 and worked in the military and army base until she is 24. When she was around 18, she had visited the place where her father was born before he migrated to Korea, which was Miami. Coincidentally, she had been involved with the MDPD because of a serious thieving crime, and therefore met Horatio along with Jessie, who once said, if she ever plans to be a CSI, to come find him.

Because of the political tension between the US and Korea, she has been elected to spy on the FBI in Miami for at least a few years since it's not as populated as some other countries in the US, but still receives crucial information about the forces in their armies. But, she had rejected the offer, and now, she resigned from her current work and wants to migrate to Miami, to start a new life again.


Because of her lifestyle, her personality has been deeply affected because of the stress and tiredness. She is often depicted as being cold, calm and quiet, also having a sense of maturity that not many people her age would have. Stephanie often have a sinister presence that exudes hardness and rage, from a single glare, she is able to deter people from messing with her; which often help being a agent, but not when it came to her social and personal life. She has a bad temper as well; but because of her excellent emotion control, she is able to conceal her true emotions perfectly from anybody.

Because she leads a double life, as a student and agent both, she is unable to mix with other people or make friends with people her age. Due to her being so busy with her studies, missions and training, she is poor in her communication skills and lacks in the ability to talk to other people. She is taught to suppress her emotions as a soldier and agent, so therefore, she often finds it difficult to respond to certain situations that involved socializing since she tends to keep to herself most of the times. It is very hard to get her to open up as a person, and the nearest the people get is her dry wit. However, she is much warmer towards Yang Jun, whom she knew for a long time.

But since she was exposed to a new society when she was in Miami for a few weeks, she is shown to be decently friendly towards Horatio's team, and even once in a while smile. Even after a few years, she is still close to Horatio, Jessie, Calleigh and Eric.


She is described to have a body that a model would have if it was muscular, and is said to be very attractive if one gets a close-up to her face. Because she's a mix, she has both the features of a Philippine and a Korean as well which combines high cheekbones, big eyes and a sharp jawline. She also has naturally black hair that accentuates her youth but tends to hide all her features underneath a cap. 

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