Chapter 3

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Jas P.O.V.

I woke up, and walked down stairs, i seen issac in the kitchen making panckes, bacon, and eggs. I heard him on the phone talking to some hoe.


issac- hey ma

girl- hi, i miss you come over

issac- i cant i have this girl here, she is just a friend thoe

girl-tell her to get out i want you

issac- fine. tonight at 9:00 i will be over

girl-okay bye bae

issac- bye ma

"who was that"i said looking at him

" no one just a friend" he said looking nervous

"i heard you say you were gonna be over at 9, honeslty, am i just one of your side hoes?" i asked walking over to him

" no you chill out ma, i told you it was a friend, im them at 9." he said standing up

"okay can you take me home please" i said kissing him on the cheek

"Yea" he said grabbing his keys off the counter

The car ride was silent the whole way to my house. He kissed on the cheek and i left. When I got into the house i seen Devon.

"Hey what's up" he said looking back at me

"Nothin much have u seen my Jordan?" i said knowing he was up to something

"Yeah she left out a couple minutes ago" he said Turing off the tv

I had to say something, i couldn't keep it a secret anymore "did you beat Jordan, and dont lie to me cause i swear I will go crazy!!!!?" i said getting mad

"Naw i would never hit her!" he said getting angry

"She said you hit her, and if i told you, you would beat her to death, dont touch her again understand nigga? no one hits my sister, i dont want to see your ugly motherfucking ass in my house again, dont call us, think about us, dont even look at us, cause I will chop yo dick off and make you eat it understand!!?" i said gettin in his face

"Look dont ever yell at, I will beat you to if you yell at me one more fucking time, do you understand me bitch!!"

I ran up to my room, unlocked a safe i had under my bed, and pulled out a gun, I saw him sitting in the couch. He turned around and pulled his gun out.

"If you pull the trigger i will shoot ur ass hoe" he said with a grin

"Dont shoot please" is said making him put his gun away.

As soon as he put it away, i his dick, and his head. I dragged his body out to the dumpster, ad cleaned up. I decided to go out with beauty and Gaby today.

I went up stairs took a 2 min shower and called the girls and told them to be ready by 4:00. when I got out i went to my closet i got some red booty shorts, a white Beyoncé shirt and some red and white Jordan's on. I curled my hair, and put on my diamond earrings, with my jasmine necklace. I walked down stairs, and grabbed a bag of chips, then went to go pick up my girls.

!Text convo!

Gaby- hey

Me- hey, are u ready?

Beauty-yeah hurry the hell up a nigga is hungry!

Me-ok come outside both of y'all .

"Where we going" Gaby said putting on her sunglasses

"To see where Isaac is going tonight at 9" I said with a smirk

"What the hell! why are u spying on him, he a grown asan leave home the fuck alone" beauty said

Gaby *laughs*

We made it to his house, and I followed him into this ghetto ass place. We got out the car, and walking up stairs to the third floor, the door was unlocked so i walked in. I hears moaning coming from one of the rooms, i seen this bitch riding him. I gasped, and ran out the house. I guess he hears me cause he came running after me.

"Jas stop let me explain" he said out of breath

"What, u said that u liked me i was different but then you go and fuck this thirsty bitch" i said running to the car crying

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