amigos means friends

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"YOU'RE DATING?" I looked down at their interlocked hands, I'm so confused, I mean I get that they were getting along but like not this well, this fast. Mariana nodded her eyes beaming as she looked from me to Duarte and he leaned in to give her a small peck on the lips, I couldn't help myself make a disgusted face at the PDA, but I am happy for her. Without another word, the cute couple went for a walk to the pool bar holding hands leaving me here feeling slightly disappointed, well ok, jealous.

"Aw don't cry" João teased appearing out of nowhere, what does this one want now? I decided to ignore him but that became impossible when he decided to put his arm around my shoulder, damn it those butterflies why does he have this effect on me?

"I did tell you Duarte wasn't for you" I looked at him our faces awfully close but I couldn't process that because I really wanted to slap him to wipe that smirk off his face, is he really mocking me right now?

I slapped his arm away from my shoulders and turned to him "You're getting too cheeky for your own good!" I could tell I had caught him off guard with my outburst I think I even surprised myself, why exactly am I so mad?

"Someone's mad" He muttered as I was about to walk away, my anger building up I turned around and exploded.

"You know what? Yes, I'm mad João! What is wrong with you? One moment you are; 'get away from me', 'don't talk to me', 'I don't want to be friends with you', the next you are staring at me, teasing me, standing close to me, you're confusing me you piece of shit!"

João stood there and almost blinked way too many times only to gulp "You swear?"

I rolled my eyes, seriously, that's all he picked up from that " Of course I do you idiot, we're not kids anymore" Well where have I heard that before? Take that! Your words back at you! Instead of walking away I realized I was standing next to the edge of the pool, so stepped forward quickly and pushed him in but before I could laugh at him he grabbed my arm and pulled me in with him.

The moment we hit the water he let go of my arm and we both rose to the surface roughly at the same time, I coughed as the chlorine burned my throat, my hair sticking to the sides of my face.

We both regained our breaths and just stared at each other until he broke the silence and said something I never thought I'd hear him say "I changed my mind"


"I- I changed my mind I- I miss you" He shyly spoke moving his arms to stay afloat. I couldn't possibly be more confused... actually no I think I could. On cue, he grabbed my face and kissed both of my cheeks almost greeting me.

"Hi Mar it's awesome to see you after such a long time" He definitely hit his head, I squinted my eyes in confusion and he hugged me.

"João what are you doing, what part of you're confusing me do you not get, you're not only confusing me you are scaring me now" He chuckled still hugging me and I felt his chest moving sending electricity through my whole body, I still refused to hug him back so he pulled away.

"Marina I want to be your friend, I want to talk to you, I want to hang out,I want to get to know you, I want to laugh with you just like Gustavo, Tiago, even Duarte" I stood frozen almost letting myself go to the bottom of the pool, did he just say that or am I dreaming, did I hit my head somewhere?

"I'm sorry for being such a dick, let's start again" He looked at me being hopeful and the same time shyly fidgeting as he waited for me to answer.

I exhaled a breath I didn't even I was holding "Ok" His smile grew making it contagious and spreading onto my own face and we stood there looking at each other for a few seconds. I broke the peaceful moment by lifting my hand from the water to flick his forehead.

"Ouch what the hell?" He held a hand up to his forehead I giggled beginning to swim away.

"That's for dragging me into the water with you" I heard the water splashing behind me and screamed whilst laughing knowing he was swimming towards me, annoyingly he got to me faster than I could get to the edge of the pool grabbing me by the waist and pulling me towards him, our bodies pressed together I couldn't help but stare deep into his eyes feeling my skin tingle under his touch, I was in a complete trance I didn't even notice him moving his hand to flick me on the forehead and laughing hysterically afterward. I glared at him and covered the area with my hand only to join him by laughing lightly as well. Idiot.

                                                                                  *  *  * 

"João that makes no sense" I laughed at how stupid he was being.

"As if you make sense half of the time" He put both of his arms to his chest and I stuck my tongue out to him and turned away from him laughing.

"Where is everyone? We've been here just the two of us for hours and I'm sick of playing your weird way of uno" He rolled his eyes and collected the cards into a pile.

"I don't know, Gustavo and Tiago went to get some food and still haven't come back and the couple who knows"

"The couple, that still feels weird to me don't you think they were a bit too fast"João looked at me and laughed earning a slap on the arm from me.

"No, they clicked I guess. Not everyone waits 10 years" My eyes widened and he chuckled "Relax it was a joke" Well, that touched a nerve.

"It wasn't funny" I pouted without realizing it, he stared at me and smiled before poking my cheek making me quickly move my face away.

"João! My face no, don't touch my face you know I don't like that" He did it again "Stop!" I pushed him away annoyed, this little shit is gonna make me breakout!

                                                                                      *  *  * 

I have been laying on my bed for a while now just staring up at the ceiling, I'm still processing today's events, I'm feeling like an idiot... today was amazing he finally let me back into his life, we laughed, we talked, I should be happy but who am I kidding, can we really be friends? Can we really be like me and Gustavo? I wonder, because with Gustavo I don't feel a million kilowatts flowing through me every time he touches me, I don't blush when he looks at me too long, I don't feel the need to fix my hair, I don't feel an urge to kiss him but I do with João. So yes I should be happy and I am but who knows how long this will last.


A very long chapter hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know what you think of the story so far. Any favourite characters?
Like before it has not yet been edited and some things need to be changed because they don't seem to be going anywhere but except from that, it's fun to write this story.

Exams are ahead good luck to everyone once again.

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Sim x

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