praia means beach

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Another day begins with the sunrise, this time once I reached out to get my phone the usual 6:00 or 7:00 wasn't on the screen instead, 10:00. I stretched my arms and lazily jumped off my bed. I got my swimming costume on and tied my hair back in a ponytail as I walked to the kitchen, Shawn Mendes was playing on the radio, and vó was ironing clothes, once I entered the kitchen she looked up at me.

"Morning" I groggily greeted, and she reciprocated the matinal greeting.

"Where's everyone?" Vó laughed at my question.

"Nuria and Pedro still sleeping but I suppose due to the time, by everyone they weren't included. And your mom has gone to the lawyer"

Placing a pot on top of the stove I boiled some water and toasted 2 slices of bread, "How's that going, has she told you?".

"The usual filha your father refuses to help with anything" I looked down at the two pieces of toast now with jam and attempted to change the topic, at the mention of that man in this house it all turned to chaos. It's the classical case of absent parent, refusing to bear any responsibility for their past actions that continue to burn their family.

"What are your plans for today?" I smiled and wondered myself. No particular plans, I've decided I want to try to be more spontaneous and not let my daily life be pinned down by a to-do list, said list that always ends up making me feel awful for not following through with its boxed scripture.

"Probably going to the beach with Nuria"

"What about Gustavo I heard you have been getting along with him quite well" I raised my eyebrows, ok, he came over once but how did she know I had met up with him every other time?

"Nuria" She answered my question and I laughed. My sister since she was little she always had a crush on Gustavo, just like you would have a crush on a lifeguard or Niall Horan...

"Back to the topic of Nuria, in the afternoon her friend is coming over and she is having dinner here, so can you look after them at the beach" I nodded and picked up my beach bag, I could still hang out there for an hour and a half and any second counts in the summer, at least for me it does.

I said goodbye to my grandma and walked to the beach. I didn't bother going for a swim if I did I wouldn't be able to dry, instead, I sunbathed getting lost in my book again. Something about getting lost in the pages of a good book takes you to another plane of existence, a great way to escape this ever changing, stressful world we live in.

Time skipped and before I knew it, it was time for lunch, on cue my stomach growled loudly, it had a life of its own.

When arrived back home from the beach, Nuria was in the living room on her phone, once again doing tiktoks she never seemed to get bored, although I understand it, they are very addictive. Pedro was also on his phone, a Youtubers voice booming through his phone speakers.

"Hey guys, where is vó?" I asked them and they didn't look up from their respective screens, in sync they pointed to the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen a delicious smell hit my nose, and my stomach made itself known.

"What's for lunch?" I excitedly hugged vó.

"Linguas de perguntador" My face deadpanned. Forget I asked. I turned to leave to my room before vó called out, "Marina, can you please put the table?". To ensure she did not need to repeat herself I immediately began putting the plates on the table, napkins, cutlery, cups.

Soon after my chore task lunch was ready, vó placed the pot in the center of the table and I sat at my usual place.

"NURIA, PEDRO COME AND EAT" Vó called and they entered shortly after.

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