1. The Mornings

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Hey my names Virgil. I'm not a very sociable person on a good day. On a bad day I can't even talk. Mainly because I turn into a small fluffy cat. CAT. NOT. KITTEN
Now that's settled I can tell the story.


"Morning sunshine, time to get up" Patton. Love the guy but he can be a bit over baring in the mornings. It's a Monday and I'm not convinced I should go to my classes today. Especially seeing as I didn't sleep till four in the morning. Nightmares are the worst. Well only when they involve roman. Then there the worst.
Roman is my crush of like four years. Four years is a long time but I know for a fact that he's not only got a crush on someone, but it's not a male crush either.
So basicly I'm just wasting my time, but I can't help it. He's so gorgeous, and his eyes I could stare into for the rest of my life.
So after deciding that I need to see him, I literally roll out of bed, practically drag myself to my draws, pull out black skiny jeans and a purple ripped top. Then I find my purple patched jumper. When I'm satisfied with my messy look I walk into the bathroom, find my small bag of makeup and apply a generous about of foundation, eyeshadow and eyeliner. Then brush my hair, teeth and all the cat hair off my jacket, then turn back into my room, only to hear a small nock at the door.
"Hey kiddo, I'm making pancakes for breakfast do you want some?"
"I always have time for your pancakes, dad"
"Okay I'll place another plate down for you. See you at the table."
With that he walked down the hallway and sware he squealed when I called him dad.
"Well this is as good as it's gunna get." I say to my reflection in the mirror.
When I get to the table there was an empty seat for me, opposite roman. I think patton knows I like him or somthing, because he always makes him talk to me and does things like that. I don't know. Anyway when I sit down roman kept staring at me and had a slight blush. I convinced myself that it was hot in the room and he was thinking that I had too much makeup on. Patton then nudged him gently with his elbow, but made out that he didn't mean to.

As we all finished in relative silence roman asked 'if I would start melting in class with all this makeup on'.
My defensive snarcasm kicked in and said that "it is better than wearing a sash around school all day because I don't get picked out the crowd for it."
"Now, now virgil please do-"
Why do you always pick on me first" I snapped without meaning.
Hurt and sadness flew across his face like I had just slapped him.
Prince cut me off with a slap across my cheek. I felt the tears but blinked them back. I stood from my seat and walked away slamming the door behind me, I was not going to let him see that I was in more pain than patton right now and I certainly was not going to class today. I layed down on my bed trying not to cry aloud but I couldn't help it. The sobbing got louder and louder. The look patton gave me stuck in my mind and my cheek stung more and more. Then my breathing started coming in shorter breaths and there was a dark ring around my vision. Soon I couldn't breath at all and I was really panicking. Patton must have some kind of monitor, because he came rushing in and pulled me into a hug rubbing circles into my back and humming a soothing tune.
After about half an hour of this, I finaly claimed down enough to speak.
"Patton... dad, I'm so sorry for what I said. I'm tierd and I know that's not really an excuse but I am really sorry..." my voice broke and I couldn't form entire sentences after that.
"Shhh, virgil, I know you didn't mean it. You are not the type of person who would say that and mean it.
Ouch patton can shout, and sure enough roman came into the room with red, puffy eyes. But not as bad as mine.
"Y-ou called p-atton."
"Apologise to virgil for slapping him."
Then patton walked out the room giving roman a small push so he would sit on my bed. Then shut the door after him.

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