An accident that was made to happen// Honoka x Short! Klutz! Reader

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Requested by: @GoodNeko_Chan

I combined your request all together

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I combined your request all together.
Dear (L/N) (Y/N)

I can't believe I'm writing this to myself, but-

How you met your best friend was the weirdest day possible, well for you that is.

It all started when you tripped down some stairs and fell onto her, knocking her out and forcing you to carry her to the infirmary. It was hard; being the clumsy, short soul you were, it was a hassle carrying someone as big as the girl.

But somehow, you managed to bring her to the infirmary, only to find out the school nurse wasn't there.

You couldn't leave the poor, unconscious girl alone- being as you didn't want your damn, annoying conscience talking to you again about useless things-

So naturally, you decided to take care of her. You wrapped bandages over her body, but you failed majorly since you never really learned how to bandage people up- heck, you didn't even know how to put a simple bandaid on and always had your older sibling to do it for you.

In the end, you persevered and managed to wrap tons of gauze bandages over the girl, making her look more like a mummy than a human being, but eh- who cares, at least who did something successful for once.

The girl roused from her state of unconsciousness eventually. The first thing she saw in her field of vision was the familiar, white furniture of the infirmary, and you sitting down on a chair next to the bed she laid on, about to doze off yourself. Desperate to get answers, she shook you violently as if the world was ending and the waves swallowed the land in one big gulp, the mountains becoming into hills as sea levels rise, and the air covered with clouds of ash and soot as volcanoes rise from dormancy and-

This is getting way out of hand.

After preventing you from falling asleep, she introduced herself as Honoka Kousaka- a second year and was in the same class you were.

You recognized that name immediately. She was the leader of the school idol group; µ's.

You weren't insane or obsessed over school idols, you just had many friends who were like that, and would talk and provide information about several popular idol groups- especially one in particular, and that was the latter.

So, in return, you introduced yourself, and as you were brought to your conclusion, you randomly tripped at nothing. And landed on the bed, on top of Honoka, Faces inches away-

At the wrong moment, the English teacher- 'Himura-sensei'- had entered the room to look for the school nurse, only to find two of her students about to 'make a move on each other'. Luckily, the English teacher quickly understood the situation (or more like misinterpreted), but for being not at class in the period, she still had to give you detention.

At first, it was horrible, surrounded by delinquents and troublemakers, but when Honoka started talking (whispering) to you, telling you all sorts of things, you gradually began less tense and started being comfortable in that atmosphere. Then of course, you two got in trouble with the teacher and was placed in another day in detention for incomplete work.

Honoka wasn't the only friend you made after she introduced her fellow idol members to you, they had befriended you right on the spot.

Now, skipping past eventful days of school work and interacting with the various members of µ's, you had found yourself in a tight spot,

A tight spot indeed.

As corny or cliche as it sounds, you had unknowingly developed feelings for your best friend. You hadn't realized that this was the case, until Kotori told you- yes, her. Not Nozomi or the other third years, but her.

She tried numerous ways to get you two together, but it always ended in failure. And as she was about to give up-

A miracle happened;

Honoka had confessed to you.

Being the klutz you were, you panicked, tripped at nothing again, and ended up kissing her on the lips. Things escalated far from there as the rest of µ's came up to the rooftop at that exact moment and caught the two of you making out and-

Well, there were some things here and there but I'm not gonna write all of them here since I'm about to run out of space.

So, Honoka wasn't exactly your best friend anymore, more like girlfriend. You were happy, she was happy, everyone was happy, so yeah.

Five years later, you're here now, writing about the past, a letter to yourself. Why? In case you forget. You always forget a lot of things, it's just the perks of being a klutz like me.

I have to go now, see you later, future me or to anyone who is reading this letter, especially Honoka, I would write something encouraging at the end, but that's too corny.

Sincerely, (L/N) (Y/N)

(Y/N) paused at her writing, and looked at her sheet of paper.

"Hmm...nah, I'll erase that part there"

I have to go now, see you later, future me or to anyone who is reading this letter, especially Honoka, look where we are now, you won Love Live, fell in love, made a family, had a job, and now are contributing people of society. Congratulations. This wasn't meant to encourage people, so yeah.

Sincerely (L/N) (Y/N)

"That should be good" Finally content in her writing, (Y/N) set her pencil down and began to admire her handiwork. "Ah, it's neat this time" From her desk, she brought out a brown envelope, fresh and newly made- But soon enough, time will corrode it.

(Y/N) carefully placed the letter inside the envelope and sealed it closed. "Now that's done..."

The door to (Y/N)'s studies burst open, and in came a flash of orange that immediately tackled (Y/N) into a hug.

The flash- Honoka- nuzzled close to (Y/N)'s chest, content to be in embraced by her warmth. "Ah, Honoka, when did you return?"

"Just now, I just wanna be in this position for now, so be quiet" Came the voice of Honoka. Moments later, (Y/N) could hear her snore, muffled by your chest.

(Y/N) giggled softly at Honoka's childish demeanour, patting her head gently to avoid waking her up. The former looked down at Honoka's hand, where she could see a golden ring with one, shimmering orange diamond.

(Y/N) smiled, gazing down at her own hand, the same golden ring in one of her fingers.

"I love you, Honoka" (Y/N) whispered as she wrapped her arms around Honoka's waist. "May death do us part"



how are you?


Sooo I was thinking of maybe making an original book, I'll be out for quite a while to get the cover done and Maki's Bday Edit

That's all for now

Next up: Perverted! Maki x Shy! Fem! Reader

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