Chapter 5

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When I walked out of the school, I could immediately tell that something was wrong.

When I went over to Dan's locker, he wasn't there. I stood there for a few minuets, assuming that he was just running late from class, and still got nothing.

I left, and when I got outside, I thought I saw something, well, out of the ordinary.

I saw what I thought was just a backpack, sitting in the field, covered partially in grass.

I walked out to find out, that this was no backpack.

It was Dan.

He was passed out, and not in the sleeping way.

He had been walked on, and kicked.

His face and arms were bleeding, his jeans and shirt ripped, and in his hand was a now very stepped on cigarette.

"Oh, Dan. What happened to you, Baby. Why would anyone do this to you?"

I lifted him up carefully, resting his head on my shoulder.

then I started running.

The hospital was a couple miles away, but i couldn't just walk, or wait for an ambulance.

I needed him, and I needed to be with him.

I ran and ran for what seemed like hours, and still wasn't tired. I felt Dan move slightly on my shoulder and planted a soft kiss on his head.

"Phil?" Dan's voice was weak and quiet, and i could tell he was in pain.

I was afraid to look st him, because I was afraid I would start crying even harder.

"Shh, Dan. Don't talk. It's okay. We're almost at the hospital." My voice was quiet as well, but just a bit louder than Dan's.

I felt another tear roll down my cheek , then Dan shriek in pain.

My tears were now stronger than my need to look strong to Dan right now. More hot tears rushed down my face as I continued rushing Dan to the hospital.

Dan's voice was now about as loud as a squeak from a mouse, but his words were still audible.

"Please don't cry, Phil."

My heart broke in my chest.

"I love you, Dan. I'm so sorry this had to happen to you. I'm so so sorry. I love you so much."

The next thing I knew, his body went limp on my arms.

I could feel his heartbeat still. It was slow, but it was still beating.

I kissed his forehead, then stopped running as I approached the emergency room entrance.

My tears were now falling from my chin, some landing on my chest, Others on Dan's stomach.

I told the lady at the desk what had happened, and before I knew it, they were lifting Dan from my now weak arms and putting him on a bed.

I gave him a kiss on the head, then sat in a chair.

The nurse came up to me a bit later, asking for Dan's name and information, and also my name & relation ship to Dan.

"His name is Daniel Howell. I'm Phil Lester, and I'm his boyfriend."

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