sober thoughts (g) part 3

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"im putting the radio on" y/n said and then turned it on as she looked in the mirror above her to see grayson even more upset. 

she lowered down the volume of what was playing, which was 'first place' by larray .  you could still hear the music in the background though.

' this aint no race but ill still take first place' 

"turn that shit off" grayson said bitterly. despite this,  y/n did. she didn't think it was the actual song that made him want silence though, she thought it was the fact that there was just a song in the background in general. i mean, that song is a bop. 

she respected grayson's wanting of the music being off. i mean, he was sleepy. maybe he just wanted to fall asleep for the 5 minutes way back home. 

keeping her eyes on the road, she smiled a little. "is that why you were upset, you silly?" 

the nickname warmed grayson's heart a bit but he coldly said "no, that song's a bop" see?

"well then, what is it?" the smile was swept off y/n's face. 

"imagine we were siblings"

"what? where did you get that from? and why are you mad at that? we wouldn't have been attracted to each other in the first place." 

"i liked when we were together y/n. i would HATE IT if i was your brother. i WANT TO always be loving you. i can not see myself with somebody else. you cause me so much pain without knowing but its okay i still love you kay? " he said then smiled. his mood swings were visible. 

y/n was speechless. but she didn't have to say anything because as she looked through the window above her, he looked like he was sound asleep.

y/n stopped the car. her head had so much going on, she thought she would've crash if she kept driving. kind of how sometimes you have to reread the page you were reading because you keep getting distracted. 

luckily, it was 11 pm so no cars were around. it's not like there were ever any cars in that street anyways. 

her head was in her hands and before she knew it, she was crying all over again. in the same position as earlier, but this time it wasn't on her couch. 

"why can't you just say those words when your'e sober gray? i just fucking wish you meant it." y/n mumbled.

"what makes you think i fell asleep that fast, you silly?" he said, kind of surprising y/n. 

he struggled to come to the front of the car but still managed to anyways, not leaving the car to move his seat. 

when he bent down to look at y/n's face, he was confused, even though he was the confusing one. being drunk made people confusing. "why are you crying? why do you think i don't mean it?"

"grayson, stop. you're just drunk."

" and? that just means i love you even when i'm drunk."

he took y/n's chin with his fingers very delicately and replaced her tears with his kisses. 

she would've broke down again, but she had no more tears left. 

instead she just grabbed graysons face 

  "fuck it"  

and kissed him

not caring about how drunk he was


when they came to the twins' home, the door was locked. ethan was planning on something. that sneaky bitch.

"what are we gonna do?" grayson asked, sitting on his front steps leaned on y/n. 

"i dont know" y/n answered as she took out her phone to text ethan

i dont know where you think your plan is going

ethan on the other side, was at his friend Alex's house (i wish they reunite and become friends again idk what happen to them) 

take him to ur house. you wouldn't want him to sleep out side, would you? 

ethan texted back

fuck you

i would but grayson still loves you. he never stopped. im a good brother.

loves clubs and being drunk more*******

i was the one who made him go out. all he did was stay inside and drink his feelings                   out.                     read

"ill take you to my home. it looks like your brother is too busy." y/n told grayson who was really sleepy. 

so, that's what y/n did. she brought grayson to his car, mostly dragging him and then she drove to her house. 

when they were inside, y/n was about to make grayson sleep on the couch in the living room but decided she didn't want to be rude so she got her bed ready for him. she was going to sleep on the couch. 

grayson was really tired. before even waiting for the covers of the bed to be opened, he plopped down. y/n smiled at the sight of his sleeping body in the least creepy way possible. she just found it cute.

she struggled to roll the covers off from under his body but managed to anyways. she was going to cover him up when she noticed how uncomfortable he looked. she tried to get grayson to sit up so she could take his sweater and shoes with his socks (thats kinda nasty but okay) off. 

grayson's eyes opened up a bit. he put up his hands so his sweater could come off him.

"can you take off my shirt and pants off too please" he asked. 

"uh okay"

so she did, after she took off his socks. the whole time she was taking off his clothes his eyes were closed. until she was about to take his pants off. then, they opened up and watched her. grayson smirked a little. 

"i missed this" he said, the smirk still visible on his face. 

"just go to sleep gray" y/n commented. 

after grayson was just tucked in with just his boxers on, he went to sleep. 

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