Klaine Moments <3 Innocence

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Kurt walked down the halls of Dalton’s dorms, trying to remember to breathe properly and trying not to pass out from the anxiousness.

“It’s okay Kurt, you can do this, tell him how you feel, it’s going to be okay” Kurt muttered to himself.

Before he knew it, he had reached the dorm room. Blaine’s dorm room. He took a deep, shaky breath before knocking on the door. Moments later, the door was opened and Blaine was standing in front of Kurt.

“Hey Kurt! What are you doing here, it’s almost curfew?” Blaine said cheerily, a grin on his face.

“Can I come in?” Kurt asked, trying to calm his nerves.

“Sure, come on in”

Blaine moved away from the door to let Kurt in and closed it behind him.

“So, what can I do for you?” Blaine asked jokingly.

“I-well, I-um” Kurt stuttered. Oh god, I’ve forgotten how to speak he thought, waves of panic crashing over him.

“Kurt? What’s wrong? You’re my best friend, you can tell me anything, what’s wrong?” Blaine asked, concerned.

“....Just....listen to this, I think it explains things well enough” Kurt said, finally regaining the ability to talk. He put a CD in the small CD player on Blaine’s desk and stood by Blaine, avoiding the boy’s eyes.

Your thoughtless words

are too beautiful, and my back freezes

Though I regain my balance

in this swelled-up room

That cigarette smell of yours,

that's useless

The flowers carved onto

that shoulder of yours are lonely

Though I'm hiding desperately

the skin that's peeling away

Because that purity of yours

sees through everything

Though my legs make a clangour,

as I'm unable to run from the darkness,

my feelings are bitter

There's an innocence I possess

But you, you keep snatching it away

Even from the smallest openings

If it's not enough, say so

because I'll give you more, so say so

Where are you looking,

not looking at my eyes?

If it's not enough, ask me

“It's never enough”

and I'll be rewarded

I'll save you from your sea

I'm tired of reconstituting

what's been trampled underfoot

Always the same

always hideously dirty me

Because I can't touch

even the fence that's in your hands

“My field of vision is failing,” and

“My destination is almost here,” and

I wish I could shake it off

There's an innocence I possess

So how many times, if you tell me to do so,

will I smile for you?

If it's not enough, say so

because I'll give you more, so say so

I'll understand you

From your fingertips to everywhere

If it's not enough, ask me

“It's never enough”

and I'll be rewarded

I'll be able to stop this storm

If it's not enough, say so

because I'll give you more

If it's not enough, ask me

and I'll be rewarded

If it's not enough, say so

because I'll give you more

If it's not enough, ask me

and I'll be rewarded

Kurt looked at Blaine for the first time since entering the room and saw that there were tears in his eyes and down his cheeks.


“No, it’s okay, I understand, you don’t feel the same way. I’ll just let myself out” Kurt rushed, heading towards the door, feeling the burn in his eyes of the tears threatening to fall.

“No, wait, I do feel the same way, I was just wondering.....some of the lyrics about me.....snatching your innocence? And about something being never enough.....you’ll always be more than enough for me Kurt, I’ll never pressure you into anything, and I never took your innocence....we never....did anything...”

“Oh, that....that part wasn’t exactly the important part, the important part was about asking if it’s never enough, because I’ll do anything for you....I know a lot of this song probably doesn’t make sense given the situation, I guess I was just really focusing on that part and – wait, you feel the same way?”

“Yes, I do” Blaine chuckled, looking at Kurt with adoration. “I love you, and I’d do anything for you too. Guess we don’t need to though huh? Kurt....will you be my boyfriend?” Blaine asked.

“Of course I will” Kurt whispered.

Blaine closed the space between them and kissed Kurt gently. Their lips began to move in sync and Blaine lowered himself on top of Kurt, never breaking the kiss. Suddenly, the door flung open, causing Blaine to jump off Kurt.

“Blaine, Blaine, we can’t find Kurt anywhere, his dorm rooms empty, have you seen.....him.....” Wes and David stood at the door, grinning at their friends.

“Well, it seems like you have seen him Blainers. You’re both looking very red in the face. What have you two been up to? Late at night.....in Blaine’s dorm room....alone” Wes smirked, taking in the boys’ dishevelled appearance.

“Nothing much.....just you know.....kissing and stuff” Blaine grinned, taking Kurt’s hand proudly and kissing him on the cheek.

“At last! Wes, you owe me $20” David shouted as Wes handed over a 20.

“We’ll be off now.....have fun boys” Wes and David said with matching grins as they closed the door.

Blaine lay down on the bed next to Kurt and wrapped his arms around him.

“It’s after curfew. Stay here tonight?” Blaine asked, looking at his perfect boyfriend. Boyfriend. He loved finally being able to say that.

“Sure” Kurt smiled contently before they both fell into a blissful sleep in each other’s arms.

A/N For Kerry J I’m not sure if I got the meaning of the song right, I wasn’t too sure about it, sorry if you wanted angst....:/ Either way, hoped you like it :D Comment and vote with more song requests :D

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