Klaine Moments <3 Goodbye My Lover

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Goodbye My Lover

Kurt stormed into the choir room, wiping the last few tears away anymore. He wasn’t going to cry over him anymore. He wasn’t worth his tears.

“Kurt, what’s wrong?” Kurt was swarmed by the New Directions, all of them worried about their friend.

“I’m fine, honestly I’m fine” he replied, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall.

“At least tell us what happened, please!” They begged. Mercedes wrapped her arms around Kurt and he broke down, sobbing against her shirt.

“H-he used me. He made a b-bet with some jocks. T-they bet that I w-would give m-myself to him after a f-few months.....and I d-did...” Kurt sobbed, letting his feelings and emotions pour out.

“Oh, come on baby, it’ll be okay” Mercedes soothed, trying to hide the white-hot anger bubbling up inside her for the sake of her friend.

“And the worst part is.....I still l-love him” Kurt cried, letting the tears fall freely down his face, not having the energy to stop them.

Blaine hid his head in his hands and groaned. That groan turned into a yell, which turned into a scream of anger and pain. It had started out as a simple bet. Everyone knew Blaine was gay, but he still managed to be popular. After dating Kurt for a month or so, Blaine’s feelings towards the boy started to change. At first, he always thought that he was annoying and extravagant, but then he started to like him. Before he knew it, he was starting to like him, just as a friend though, nothing more. But then, he started to notice things, small things, like the way the colour of Kurt’s eyes would change depending on his mood, or the way he would blush whenever he complimented him. After that night....that wonderful, amazing night, Blaine realised that he had done what he never meant to do. He had fallen in love with Kurt Hummel. And now he had lost him. Something in Blaine’s head clicked suddenly. He knew what he had to do if he wanted to at least try and win Kurt back.

Kurt wiped away the last of his tears, feeling defeated and weak.

“Are you okay now?” Rachel asked, concerned about her friend. The whole group had been there the whole time, the guys threatening to kill Blaine and the girls hugging Kurt and letting him get his feelings out.

“I feel like such a fool....” Kurt sighed. Rachel stared at him open mouthed.

“You are in no way a fool Kurt, he’s the fool for using you like that!”

“No, I am a fool Rach....because if he asked, I would take him back in a heartbeat.

“Oh honey” Tina reached forward to hug Kurt.

“I-I’m sorry to interrupt, but if I could just have a minute of your time...please....”

Everyone turned to stare at the boy standing at the door. Blaine. Everything was silent for a few moments before chaos broke out, the boys lunged at Blaine and the girls started screaming at him for ruining their best friend’s life.

“EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Kurt yelled. Everyone stopped and stared at him. “Hear him out.”

“Kurt, are you serious, after what he did to you.....” Quinn started, before being cut off by Kurt.

“Yes, I’m sure. Go ahead Blaine”

“Thanks. I...well, it all started out as a bet, but then....well, I started to like you, then I started to really like you and eventually...well, now I love you. I know we did go all the way, but afterwards I realised that I really, really love you. I’ve told the guys that I don’t want their money, I was doing that when you found out, that’s what you overheard us talking about....I don’t want their money because I want to be with you, and that time....that one, magical time meant the world to me....I love you Kurt, and I really wish you would take me back, but I know that you won’t so if you’ll just listen to this, then I’ll be gone, out of your life forever. Just please, listen to this”

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