fight (part 1)

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Jiyong was at a party and you couldn't come as you're really sick. You have the worst headache, your head was spinning, your had a bad fever and on top of that, you had a terrible flu, your nose was blocked and everything was just a mess. You told him that you'd be fine at home by yourself resting - this happens monthly anyways, especially days before when your period starts.  He was at an album release party in a nightclub in Gangnam.

You were kind of disappointed that he chose to go to the party instead but hey, he had to make an appearance as it was one of his really good friends releasing an album. It was almost 2 in the morning and you couldn't sleep. You scrolled through Instagram because you were bored, watched a couple of YouTube videos too. You tried finding a good show on Netflix but you seem to have watched all of the movies and series that you like.

As you were scrolling on your explore page on Instagram, you saw couple of fan accounts that reposted pictures of you and Jiyong. His fans have started accepting you now, some of them are nice enough to start tweeting and commenting things such as Unnie, please take care of our Jiyong! or even things like She's so kind hearted! No wonder Jiyong is so head over heels for her!

However the more you scrolled on your phone, you got confused. You eyebrows furrowing, some fans just posted a video with a caption I guess Jiyong broke up? The last time you checked, the two of you were fine? He told you that his phone battery was running low, he's going to be drinking tonight and you decided to let him have some fun with his friends.

You waited for the video to load and you were confused. It was a video of Jiyong and a couple of girls dancing. One girl, with a very low cut dress, had her arms around Jiyong's neck as Jiyong held her waist with his right arm and he had another girl, with another very very low cut top with her breasts pretty much bulging out every where, on his left side, also holding her waist. His head was buried in her hair, as if he was whispering something.

What the fuck? Was this tonight?

Some pictures or videos that are posted online were old, but they just got leaked by the media. But you were pretty sure the pictures and videos you were seeing are new and in fact, are taken at this very moment.

You tried finding more pictures and videos online even if you knew that the more you see them, the more angrier you'd get. But there's no going back now, you're sick as hell and Jiyong is out partying with girls? 

You saw several more pictures, of him smoking and drinking. There were even pictures of him on a balcony talking to three different girls. You noticed the lump that started to grow in your throat, causing to you to cough and the tears started slowing brimming in your eyes.

You tried calling Jiyong.

What the fuck is he thinking?

No answer. Your call went straight into voice mail.

You're seeing news article online at 3 in the morning.

[BREAKING NEWS] Kwon Jiyong spotted at release party...with multiple girls! Is this his way of telling us that he's single now?

The article had few paragraphs about you and Jiyong, some of them had pictures of the two of you together, claiming that the two of you are over and now Jiyong is out partying to celebrate his new single status? 

You tried calling him again and to no surprise, it went straight into voicemail.

Friday, 9 February 2018

3:13 am

You: What the fuck Jiyong

You: I saw everything?

kwon jiyong x you; blurbsWhere stories live. Discover now