30; Saving The Bad Boy

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"Leah, please don't go in there."

That is definitely the house I am looking for. Red paint, in the middle of nowhere, closed curtains. A nervous feeling flutters in my stomach as I grip Matthew's bat tightly in my hand.

"Hunter's in danger. He would do the same for me," I mumble, too focused on how to solve this situation right now. We need to end Eric. Who knows how many other people he has hurt in the past? I have a feeling Isabella is only one of many.

"But not like this. You told me he's a psychopath and you only have a bat? Can't we just call the police?"

"Believe me, I tried several times. Nothing happened."

Matthew leans his forehead on the steering wheel, groaning loudly. "You guys are in some weird shit," he mutters faintly. I keep watching the red house.

"I need to go in there now. You don't have to come. Just stay here and keep a look out if you can."

He looks pained between choosing to go with me or staying in the car. I feel guilty that maybe I've brought him into something that shouldn't even be his problem at all. I know for a fact that Hunter hates himself for letting me get involved in this. He's going to kill me for bringing Matthew in.

"If I die, I am suing you."

I smile as we both jump out of the car. "You can't sue me if you're dead, but let's just keep optimistic that all of us will make it out alive," I whisper as we near the house. Matthew is also holding a bat in his hand. "Why do you have so many bats in your car?"

"They're my dad's."

There is no movement or sound coming from the house that would indicate someone is in there. My heart beats a little faster each time I take a step. We both lean on the wall just under the window.

Matthew leans down to whisper in my ear after peeking in through the window. "They completely shut the blinds."

I nod and hold my index finger to my lips before making my way toward the back door of the house, careful not to make too much sound as I step around in the untrimmed grass.

He follows closely behind me, mostly just making sure no one is watching us. We can't be entirely sure no one's watching from inside. The house could be swarming with people, but so be it. I can't deny the fact that I care about Hunter, and I won't abandon him now just because life is taking a dark turn.

"We should seriously get out of here. Let's just go to the police station."

"Shh." I point toward the door. His face falls as he realise what I am indicating. I slowly step across the porch, making sure the wooden floorboard doesn't creak underneath my feet. I give Matthew a warning look before turning the handle and pushing the door open. It opens with a groan and we both cringe at the same time. They must know we're here by now.

Fear travels through my veins but I am hoping it doesn't show through my face. Matthew, on the other hand, looks like he could shit his pants. His face looks extremely pale like all the blood has drained from it.

I peek my head into the living room to check for anyone. Matthew pokes at my shoulder and then points at the stairs. I nod before following him up. The house is dead quiet. The only thing I can hear is my racing heart.

When we make it up the stairs, Matthew stops. I walk past him, quietly whispering to him that he can stay there if he doesn't want to continue. I don't wait for his reply as I walk around, searching for any sign of life.

There are three doors in the hallway. Two on the right and one on the left. I go to the closest door to the right first, clenching my jaw in anxiousness of what I am about to find in the room. The door creaks open. I adjust my grip on the bat, swallowing.

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