Logia section

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Logia: steel-steel fruit

Details: user of this fruit gains the power of controlling any metal like water, and become metal themselves. (powers like colossus from xmen, but can control other metal too)

Logia: Earth-earth fruit

Details: user of this fruit will gain power to control, create, and manipulate the Earth. (rock, dirt, clay, cement, stone)
Logia: light-light fruit

Details: the user of this fruit gains the power to control, manipulate, and become light.

Use: mostly used in defense then offense, this power can temporarily blind enemies, camouflage the user and gain great speed.
Logia: gel-gel fruit

Detail: this fruit gives the power to become, and control the subelement Gel.
Logia: blood-blood fruit

Details: this fruit gives the user power to control, manipulate, become Blood!

Uses: gaining this power allows user to prevent illnesses through their blood power, steal enemies blood, control enemies body with their blood, create weapons made out of blood, tracking!
Sakura Sakura no Mi (Blossom Blossom Fruit)

Type: Logia

Appearance: A collection of dark pink cherries with a spiky stem with two leaves.

Powers: Being a logia type, it allows the user to generate, manipulate and become sakura petals, turning the user into a Sakura Human. The petals can sharpened to form dangerous projectiles such as bullets and shurikens that can cut through thick layers of steels. The user can also use their petals to travel on the wind and spread them across the entire area and use their scent to lure other creatures to that area, this ability is extremely handy when facing Zoan types.

Weakness: The obvious weakness for sakura petals is elemental powers, meaning if the user went up against an enemy that uses fire they wouldn't stand a good chance of winning. Apart from that, the user is affected by the standard devil fruit weakness.
Mori Mori no mi (tree tree fruit, though Mori means "forest")

Type: Logia

Appearance: Green peach (ironically, with a pink leaf)

Power: the user can become, control and produce leafs and branches, from the point of turning into leafs to avoid attacks and reshape itself to turning his limbs in branches or huge trees and even creating spiky vines, this fruit also grants the user a scary digging ability, as the tree's roots can dig in huge lenghts through most hard materials, he can produce a huge tree so fast it looks like it "exploded" from the ground like a petrified atomic mushroom cloud, the user can also produce leaf storms to push enemis apart and concentrated amounts of leaves that explode like fireworks

Weakness: Seastone, though the fire can burn the leafs, the brunches and trunks produced have a great amount of moisture to even put the fire down. __________________________
Hai Hai no mi/ Ash Ash Fruit/ ハイハイの実


Powers: Allows to turn their body entirely into ash. By turning into ash, can travel distances very swiftly. Uses ash-based attacks, can burn oppoents including creating clouds of ash around enemy/s and causing into to combust in a firery explosion.

Weaknesses: being a fire-based logia type fruit, the user is particularly weak against water and cold based attacks.

Notes: This is a fire based logia fruit but is weaker than the Mera Mera no mi or the Magu Magu no mi. A good comparison would be comparing the ice type logia fruits, the Yuki Yuki no mi to the stronger Hie Hie no mi
DF: Mountain- mountain no mi
Type: Logia
Powers: The power to control And become the mountains and everything in them.
Weakness: seaStone cuffs, Haki.
kúki Kúki no Mi (Air Air Fruit)

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