Part 6: Fighting first, living later

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A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband

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A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.

-Michael de Montaigne

The swift wind passing around them did nothing but to increase her palpitations and chill for two reasons so far. One, that the horse was galloping at a break neck speed inside so thick a forest within blind darkness that at each turn Devika feared that they were going to smash straight into a tree.

 One, that the horse was galloping at a break neck speed inside so thick a forest within blind darkness that at each turn Devika feared that they were going to smash straight into a tree

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And for the second and the major factor for her discomfort were two rough strong hands and a warm hard chest that was eating away her sanity. Her breath fell in pants, each time he pulled the reins of the horse, almost deliberately brushing across her bare skin of waist.
And THAT was making her increasingly uneasy.

They rode so fast that the others were left far-far behind because she could no more hear the gallops of other horses. And after what felt like eons later the torture finally stopped as he kicked the side of the horse and with a soft neigh it came to a complete standstill.

It was a small clearing amongst the wild tress and bushes..... what was perhaps the deepest part of the forest and with that realization.... came the ominous! 'She was now alone with him! '

But he was her husband, wasn't he? Degrading her would mean degrading his-self.
He would not do that! He would not!
She tried to assure herself while her own heart was racing at at speed higher than the horse she had rode a while ago.

'He had forced her to marry him! Now would it really be a surprise if he forces her to sleep with him? '

No! No! He wouldn't step that lower....or-or would he?

Chandra silently studied her expression while he tied the reins of his horse on a near by tree and she was buzy eyeing a pebble lying near her feet? Her head was lowered down while her eyes were a open window to let him see how the storm inside her created havoc.

'She was afraid of him! 'He understood. And she must be afraid of him and stay within her limits but quite not the way she was thinking.
"Afraid not, I wouldn't hurt you if you don't try something ridiculous like this...."
He turned his wrist around which was now a swollen purple mass of blood clot.

And he could swear he heard her sigh in relief.

Although she wanted to beliave on nothing that this man said. Those final words were enough to pull out a sharp pin that was continuously pricing and scrapping at her delicate heart. The fear slowly ebbing away!

Her eyes finally focusing on the rest of the encampment.
A sence that had her internally cringing.
Three dull little tents. Empty bottle of beers. Dirty blankets. Broken pots. Smoked residues of cigars and not to forget the rotting cooked rice and meat in a corner.

"I thought you are a prince? "The words flew out even before she could think better of them.

"A Prince without his palace, kingdom and army is as good as a beggar on streets..... but atleat now the Prince have his princess. "

A pink hue spread across her cheeks then.... while she wanted to do nothing else but to rub that away from her face. What was she doing? Why was she behaving this way?

'He was one hell of a cheeky bastard!'

But why did he say that? Was it another one of his underhanded tricks? To lure her into bed tonight willingly or was there a better motive?
And while she kept on hypothesizing about the reasons behind his words only he knew that the last part was just a cover up... lest she hears his pain laying underneath!

"Go in! "He pointed at the tent that stood in the middle. "That one....I will join you a in a little while. "
He doesn't know why he was behaving courteously to her and talking all that.... he doesn't need to....maybe because he was too exhausted and wanted to cause no more drama?

"J-join m-me?"her high pitched squeal bought him out of his thoughts. "Yes why? You're my wife now and it's our first night together! "He raised a suggestive eyebrow keeping his smile at bay.

He waited for her reaction. While she waited for him to take his words back, but neither did what the other wanted.

"I am NOT going to sleep in the same tent as you. "She spatted finally realizing that silence was going to get her nowhere.

'Goodness!'He mused. The fire in her eyes was something he had never seen before. And might he add that it was suiting her to the hilt because of that similar fiery dress she was donning tonight?

It was an alluring fire, a type of fire that was promising, delicate and yet attracting him towards it like moth.
But then again, he thought, it would be a pity indeed when he would that tame that fire and then douse it forever.
For she was now his wife who must be prim and proper somebody who will follow his every command instead of being a fire spitting dragon.

The sounds of galloping horse could be heard again and that means his men were near.
"That one..."he pointed at the middle. "Is my tent. The next one to it belongs to my chief General and the last one is where the arms are stored. Now if you would not stay with have two more choices. Either to General's bed or I could surely arrange for an extra blanket so that you can stay here under the open sky surrounded by my men."

Her mouth left agape as she looked at her husband. Was it some kind of nightmare? Where was she caught in? Because never in her nineteen years of life had she imagined herself to be subjected to such humiliation and now when that was happening it's none other than her husband doing it.

She did not say anything then for she was still reeling from the shock his words created. Instead she turned around and slowly retreated to HIS tent.

For one thing was clear now. She needs to escape from this monster and his godforsaken territory.

If her father helps her then it would be an easy chance while if he doesn't....she needs to think of another plan.

If the chapter took your fancy then do vote and comment.

And my end semester exams would end on 14th so I would update daily after that.
Thank you.

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