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Hello!! It's me! Roman! I've noticed this book seems to have gotten some attention recently and I want to let you guys know that I'm so much better at writing now and I might consider rewriting a few chapters of this book if anyone would be interested in that?

Also if you do like this please go check out my other book based on a Voltron and MLP movie crossover. It's a song fic and I am so proud of it so if you could leave a vote and a nice comment it'd be really appreciated.

I wanna thank all of you that read this book and that are interested in it and I'm sorry that I've disappointed you by discontinuing it but I'm afraid when I wrote it, what, last year? I'd quickly lost interest in the fandom and had a few people sending me hate for the ship but it doesn't affect me anymore!

Anywho, thank you all and I hope your day/evening/night is going wonderfully

- Roman

Blind (bruise shipping)-DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now