Chapter 10

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He knew from the moment he left the safety of his home, that he was being followed. There were figures shadowing every step he took and watching every move he made. At this point he wasn't sure about their intentions, but the last thing he would do was cause a scene and try to fight them. One wrong move and he'd be back in the cellars getting beat up by his former squad leader. He'd decided to ignore them for a while.

His teammates told him about their plans, but considering they weren't any different from the usual bending practice at the arena, he told them he didn't feel well and was going to stay home for the day. They were aware of the fact that he lied, because Tahno was never ill, but arguing with Tahno was as difficult as trying to prove him wrong. 

Now he was sauntering around town, watching all the citizin go on with their everyday lives. None of them worrying about the risks of life, and if they did he was sure it was nothing compared to the constant fear of death staring at the back of his head, completely ignored by Tahno himself.

After he got lunch at his favorite ramen shop and exited the building, the feeling of someone tailing him had suddenly increased. At this point it began to feel a bit intimidating, and he couldn't help but glance back over his shoulder just to make sure they weren't already unmasking their presence. Who ever was following him wasn't just a spy, or a regular guard. This person was of high ranks and most likely strong enough to take Tahno on.

Tahno took a turn, he was going home despite his plans of visiting his teammates after all. Something was wrong and he couldn't stay outside for too long. The nagging feeling of the person's presence was restricting his breathing, and he wanted to get away from the terrible sensation. 

But then he appeared, in the alleyway Tahno was conflicted to go into and regretted as the person stood in front of him. His eyes widened and he cursed under his breath, immediately shedding the robe that was previously hanging from his frame.

"Kaito, for what reason am I honored with your presence?" It was unlikely for Tahno to say such a thing seriously, but this man was powerful, and his stance told Tahno he wasn't just here for talking.

"It took a while for me to find you, Tahno. You've been hiding from us, haven't you?" It annoyed Tahno that he couldn't see the face of his former boss, but the piercing stare he offered him was enough the make cold sweat run down his back. Tahno swallowed thickly, feeling himself go tense under his gaze.

"You know what happened, of course I'd be hiding." Tahno spoke honestly, knowing he wouldn't fall for his lies. A deep chuckle came in response, and the water bender knew that wasn't exactly a good sign. Kaito walked towards him, his left hand shifting under his robe to grab something. Tahno could hear the sound of metal clenching around his weapon, too familiar to forget. He couldn't do a thing as he grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall, the cold metal of his prostethic pushing against the skin of his neck.

"You can't hide. You know that, Tahno. My men will always find you, and if they can't, like now, I'll be the one to track you down."

Tahno grew angry, a hint of hopelessness in his voice as he snapped, "What more do you want from me?! I'm not one of yours anymore!" He wondered if they couldn't just leave him, ignore him completely and forget about the actions he took. Kaito was the one who told him to stop bending, who made sure he was given the proper consequences if he ever did use his abilities. He was the man behind all the abuse, the one who took a hold of his throat, and applied pressure if he ever needed something from him. 

"Something happened, Tahno. I need you to tell me-"

"Tahno?" His heart skipped a beat at the familiar voice. His head snapped towards the sound, and his eyes met the ones of the last person he wanted to see right now. 

Mako's eyes were narrowed, inspecting the situation carefully, before walking towards them. Tahno tried to warn him, eyes staring him down in order to make him leave. Even though he hated his guts, if anybody was going to die here, he'd rather have it be one instead of two.

"I was heading to the arena, weren't you supposed to be there as well?" He casually asked him, as if he wasn't watching him almost get choked by this masked man. The situation took a weird turn. Kaito said nothing, eyes focused on Tahno and not even caring about the third person joining their casual get together. Mako's eyes were burning into Tahno's, and suddenly it hit him.

They're trying to get him out of there. Mako was just a distraction.

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