Prologue: Read- IMPORTANT

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"If you would all please stand for the exchanging of the rings..." The priest murmured, the bride and groom standing with smiles that even the happiest man on earth could not compare to- it was obvious that this couple, Joshua and Taylor, were meant to be.

At the time I was less then a month away from my fourteenth birthday. I was just starting to grow, my hips becoming hips and my breasts that two months ago could barely fill a training bra, were now a nice b cup and in need of a larger size. My hair was up in a bun, my dress a bronzed color, lacy and tight at the top before loosening around my waist and ending just above the knee. I still owned pale skin, but it was something that suited my golden hair and slightly freckled face.

This was not a normal wedding. Not only was it non-traditional, but this was also my first wedding- and a werewolf wedding. Through the entire ceremony, I'd smelled a delicious scent of vanilla and dewy grass, but I did not understand the need to follow it. Sure, I knew about mates, but I wasn't due to find mine for another two years, so I simply assumed it was a perfume or good food, ignoring my inner beast's need to track the mouth watering scent. Returning my gaze to the adorable couple, I watched as they began signing official marriage papers, crossing my legs over each other and folding my hands in hopes I would stay attentive; though my wandering mind hardly ever allowed such pleasures as keeping focus.
"Now, if there are no objections, Mr. Joshua Tret, you may now kiss your-"
"Mine!" A snarl ripped through the air, a boy no older then sixteen dashing in my direction, a look of urgency on his face.

I looked about, confused as to who he was talking to, knowing such an attractive young man couldn't be speaking to me, while also hoping it was I whom he was addressing.
"Look at me." He demanded, suddenly grabbing me and yanking my from my wooden seat until I was flush against him, a hard organism which I knew must be 'him' pressing into my thigh; surprisingly warming parts of my body.
Parts of a fourteen year old shouldn't know were able to be warm!
My Catholic mind scolded as this male, who gave me pleasuring tingles with his simple touch and had me blazing like a fire with his heated gaze-- one which I avoided-- snarled at me.
"God dammit, I am the Alpha! Look at me!" He ordered. Though the un-named Alpha was not my ruler, his power radiated, pushing my wolf to submit to him. I carefully drew my hazel optics to meet his near black ones, a sharp intake of breath coming from me as I did so. He was my mate. I had met my mate at a wedding- on which we were interrupting! I quickly went to apologize, my lips just beginning to part before they were smashed against the man holding me. His lips were sweet tasting, soft yet firm. I'd never been kissed, and anxiously had my mouth immobile. Another surprise made me gasp loudly as I was picked up by my mate, his hands near my ass as he near forced me to follow his lip-dance, and I soon had my arms around his neck; forgetting the wedding ceremony completely.

That is until people tried to pull the mystery mate from me. A snarl rippled from his lips as we were yanked apart, his Beta, Third In Command, and Father barely restraining the sixteen year old future Alpha,
"Blake... Blake! As your Alpha I command you to stand down!" His Father ordered, and I whimpered at the loss of contact- though I was thoroughly embarrassed that we had interrupted a wedding ceremony. I quickly shot towards my seat; but froze as a low snarl rippled through the air,
"Get back here Mate. Now." My other half, whom I now knew was Blake, growled.
"Calm him down." His Alpha said as I hesitantly approached. I moved my hand to his cheek, stroking his skin softly,
"Blake," I whispered, leaning forward to peck his lips, "I'm not going anywhere, calm down." I kept my voice soothing, though I was visibly shaking as thoughts flounced about in my head.
Did he expect me to complete the mating ceremony at such a young age?
Would we be able to see each other?
How would his wolf stay controlled until I was ready?
I saw his black optics returning to their natural color; a surprising electric blue. "We need to sit down." I ordered softly and he nodded, seemingly dazed and confused. As I attempted once again to sit down, he got there first; pulling me to his lap. "I-I'm so sorry for interrupting, please forgive us." I muttered and hid my face, Blake nuzzling my neck as the ceremony continued; surprising grins on the bride and groom- I thought they'd be upset with us, apparently not.
As the ceremony was completed, the lovely couple pranced from the room, into the car that would lead to the after party. I stood in excitement, feeling hands slip around my waist as tingles shot up my side; Blake.
"You're staying with me, Mate. We will complete the Mating Process once you are old enough and you will be my Luna~" He cooed, lips tracing down my neck.
"B-But... I'm not even fourteen yet! My birthday's in a month!-" I yanked from her, fear overtaking me as I finally created some much needed space. My parents were a few feet behind me as Blake tried to sooth me, but I backed from his touch,
"I didn't expect sex from you sweetheart, I don't even know your name! I just wanted to mark and pr-"
"Mila." I murmured abruptly. No sex until I was ready? That was something I could deal with- something I could do. My parents finally stepped out, my Father pushing my frame behind him roughly,
"You will not be seeing Mila until she is of age to be a Luna!" He snarled as I tried to push my way back to Blake, knowing those words would anger the young Alpha.
"She's my Mate, she'll see me as much as I want!" I heard him snarl, peeking over to see him once again restrained by his Father and Beta,
"She's my daughter, if you continue your attitude you'll never fucking see her again!" My Father growled once more, and I whimpered at the thought,
"You're upsetting her!"
"You're trying to fuck her!"
"Blake!" I cried out, shoving my way and wrapping my arms around his torso as my male parent demanded I return to him immediately. My Mate wrapped his arms around my fame once more. I slowly turned in his embrace to face my Father, "Dad... Please let me see him. You know both our wolves will go insane without seeing each other. At least allow holidays and my birthday. Let us mark each other, it will help make things easier. Please." I begged softly, putting on my best puppy dog face in hopes to sway the man who raised me.
"Fine! But if I find out you had sex before age I'll..." My Father snarled, my Mother quickly guided him away before the threat to continued.
I was just about to follow before I was spun to face my mate, his canines biting into my flesh at the cook of my neck. I'd barely done the same when the world around my started to dot with black, and that darkness became my world.
I was marked.
Hey guys! How do you like the prologue?! It's going to be really important to the story line so PLEASE READ. Thank you!

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