Chapter 5

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After fixing Kat’s lip and making a mental note to punch Rich the next time I see him we both ended up lying next to each other on my bed again, not really talking but each of us thinking and enjoying the silence.

I really wonder what goes on in her head sometimes. It must be hard to have such an abusive family to have to go home to every day. I turned my head to my right to see Kat fast asleep and all curled up on my pillow.  Oh so that’s why she was so quiet, I thought chuckling to myself and getting up off the bed. Now was a better time than any to check my work cell to see if I had any missed calls from the office.

As I pulled out my second phone from the drawer that I hide it in I immediately saw that I had a voicemail from Ralph and a text from Marcus, deciding to read the text first I opened it.

Marcus: Dude you better get over here! Ralph’s going nuts about us not having any evidence!

Quickly texting back that I would be there as soon as possible I opened the voicemail from Ralph, and sure enough he was screaming through the phone and telling me that I better be there soon. Not wanting to call him back I locked my phone and put it in my pocket and went to get a hoodie from my closet. Even though I regretted leaving Kat without her even knowing but I couldn’t lie to her face about where I was going. I had done that way too much in the past two years that I’ve had to go back and forth to the office without her knowing.

Pulling out a piece of paper and a pen from my desk and wrote a note to Kat telling her to feel free to spend the night and that I would be home soon, hoping that she wouldn’t wake up before I got back so that I wouldn’t have to make up some lie to  explain where I was.

Leaving the note on the bed side table I left and started driving to the abandoned storage space that covers up the underground agency, stretching miles underground. Parking my car behind the building I put my password into a lock on a metal door at the back of the storage unit then had to have my hand scanned by another machine attached to the door. Finally the door unlocked and I took the elevator to the third floor where the rest of my teams offices were.

Stepping off of the elevator was like stepping into chaos.

People were rushing around with stacks of paper and madly dialing phone numbers all over the large room. Spotting Marcus talking to another one of my teammate’s in the corner of the room I made my way over to him.

“Hey what’s going on over here?” I asked him.

“Everyone’s freaked because of the murder last night.” He said clearly aggravated with everyone being so scared.

“Well did they find anything at the crime scene?”

“Yeah here’s where it gets interesting.” He said moving closer to me. “So, there was a hair found at the crime scene, a long dark brown hair.”

“So it’s a girl!? Are you sure it wasn’t one of the family members?”

“All of the family was blonde. And yea it’s either a girl or a really long haired guy.” Marcus said, and then turned back to the man he was talking to before.

I then started wandering around the floor looking for Ralph. I finally found him as he was coming off the main elevator.

“Hey Ralph, you needed me?” I said to him as he was walking towards his office.

“Yeah Seth I need you to do a report for me of the information we have so far on the Midnight Killer case.” He said to me without even looking up for the papers he was holding.

I sighed knowing that this meant that I wouldn’t be able to get back to Kat until much later. “Of course sir I’ll get right on it.”

“Good. Put it on my desk when you’re done.” He said then disappeared into his office as I made my way into mine.

Sitting down at my desk I started typing up a report of  all of the information involving the Midnight Killer.

This is going to be one long night. 


thanks for all the support guys!!! keep being awesome!

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