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Blood slowly trickled down her arm as she held onto her elbow. Stefanie watched wide eyed in panic. The tears behind Series eyes wanted to come out as pain shot threw her elbow but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

They had been swinging earlier when he began pushing her too hard. She begged him to stop but it was too late as she soon found herself  projected in the air and heading for the ground.

In an effort to protect her face she held her elbow in front of her face and it ended being sliced by a rock stone deep.

So now they stood face to face as he had ran over to her to see if she was okay. "Series I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it hurt you this bad." He held out his hand touch her but she slapped it away.

"You're really crappy Sefanie, I was begging you to stop and this what you caused." She glared at him while scurrying away from him a good distance.

"Well it wouldn't have happened if you listened to like I told you to," He gaze changed from panic to extremely angry. Sefanie was definitely bipolar and that was one of the reasons why they could never agree with each other. "I told you to stay away from Billy Espanelle," He stalked over towards her and grabbed her uninjured arm. "Your bloody mine."

Sefanie Theodore Mcmillion was very possessive of Series and they both hated each other. This seemed to be one of their many incidences. The day before yesterday he had taken all her girly toys and chucked them out her bedroom window and into the pool. So she stole all his action figures today as her own toys and now played with them. It didn't affect him that much as he almost seemed happy with her taking them. She wanted to hit him so hard upside the head.

Yesterday Billy Espanelle had given her a lollipop and told her he liked her. Sefanie heard and beat Billy to a pulp. His now had a huge shiner and didn't want to be any where near her again. "I haven't been around Billy since you beat him up you animal!" Her six year old chest heaved up and down in anger and frustration. She felt he was created to torment her. Her own personal demon sent by the devil to ruin the rest of her life.

"Yeah whatever," With a fit of rage she shoved him. Making him release his hold on her and Sefanie losing his balance tumbled to the ground.

Stefanie's body collided with the ground resulting in a resounding thump. Groaning he opened his eyes and looked at her with a smile. "If you want to be even so bad Series I'll make you scar me as well."

She looked at him to see if he was bluffing however, Sefanie's eyes held nothing but truth and determination. "Fine I'll bite you." Walking over to him she sat on his lap to prevent him from escaping.

Moving his shirt away from his neck Sefanie stayed still. She couldn't believe he was actually gonna let her bite him. Lowering her mouth to his neck he moved and his lips connected with her. He gripped her body with his hands and pressed his lips even harder on hers. Both his small hands gripped her waist.

He had seen both her parents doing this and Series mom seemed happy about it so he felt she would be as well. Her lips felt small, soft and tasted like his favorite fruit strawberries.

He felt completed and happy. This was something he definitely felt he would do again and again if the opportunity presented itself. Series Delucka will always be his girl. Even if she never knew it. She was like two scoops of cookie dough ice-cream on a hot Sunday.

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