Silver Bell | Chapter 05

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After a large helping of delectable waffles and Andromeda and Ted playfully arguing about how it was 'Ted's day to cook breakfast', the family and Ida settled around a large coffee table.
"Now Ida... this will probably come as a shock to you, but you're a witch." Tonks began bluntly.

Ida snorted, a disbelieving expression painted on her face.
"That's not possible!"
"Are you sure?" Tonks uttered.
"Well, yeah... and even if it was, how could I be a witch?"

"Just like I can." Ted cut in gently. "Do you want me to show you something?"
Ida nodded hesitantly, still sceptical.
However, all of her disbelief dissolved as soon as Ted waved a hand and a half-knitted scarf began knitting itself.
Ida shot to her feet, a hand covering her mouth.

"That... that can't be real!" Ida gulped, her eyes darting around wildly, meeting the gazes of each family member.
Andromeda glanced at her sympathetically.
"It's true, dear, but being a witch doesn't mean you must be feared! There are so many wonderful things you can do that you couldn't when you thought you were a Muggle!"

"A what?" Ida exclaimed confusedly.
"A non-magical person... that's what your mother was."
"What... what about Dad?"
Andromeda shifted uncomfortably.
"He's... he's what you call a squib. He had magical parents, but he lacked magic himself." Ted explained, causing Ida to frown.

"This is crazy... you must be joking!" She cried out, her stomach churning.
"We didn't mean to turn your world upside down... well... I guess it would have. Although it may be hard to grasp the fact that—"
"You're lying! You're all lying to make me feel better about Katie... to make me feel better about my parents!" Ida shouted, slamming her fists on the table, causing a loud bang to ring in everybody's ears.

Tears streamed down Ida's cheeks as she struggled to keep her temper in check.
Her whole life had shattered and she had attempted to pick up the shards, only to be cut in the process.
"It can't be true... it just can't." Ida choked out, before staggering down the hall.
"Oh dear... Nympha— Tonks, do you mind going after her?" Andromeda asked, a worried frown knitting her eyebrows together.

"That's not what she needs right now. I'll keep an eye on her, though."
"You mean spy on her, sweetie." Ted corrected.
"Spy, keep an eye on her... whatever term you want to use. She's vulnerable, and I'm an Auror!"
"Yeah, that doesn't matter." Tonks waved a dismissive hand, before striding purposefully towards the front door that had been slammed moments before.


Grass intertwined with Ida's fingers as she idly ripped blades of them from the soil.
Being a witch couldn't be too far-fetched, Ida pondered.
She doubted both of her parents would keep Katie and her under strict quarantine from an intense form of agoraphobia.
But still, it had to be impossible.

Well, that's what she thought.
A chill crept up her spine as she realised she ought to listen, considering she never remembered taking a single step outside. And that would explain how Katie had disappeared so suddenly.

Ida shuddered as she recalled how she had been unable to move for a brief period of time while the stranger grabbed her sister.
No, it really wasn't that crazy.
Pushing herself up so she stood, swaying on her feet and brought herself to walk back to the home.

"The door's locked, you may need help with that." Tonks's voice caused Ida to jump, startled.
"Did you—"
"It doesn't matter, Ida. Let's go inside."

Tonks muttered alohamora under her breath, and the latch clicked. She pushed the door open and Ida trudged inside.
Andromeda hadn't moved from her spot, and the stairs creaked to indicate that Ted had recently left the table.
Tears of humiliation brimmed in Ida's eyes, and a lump formed in her throat.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't believe you... and that I called you a liar... I wasn't ready to let that last normal part of me go, I think."

Andromeda reached out and took Ida's hand, showing that it was okay.
"None of us are ready for our lives to completely go haywire. But just to let you know, being apart of the Wizarding World does have its perks." Andromeda winked.

"Now, how about you brush your teeth and get dressed, we'll go to Diagon Alley today."

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