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Eddie: you ignored me at school today

Richie: i did no such thing what are you on about

Eddie: you said hi to me and then walked away

Richie: i don't recall that being called ignoring if i say hi to you

Eddie: yeah well all you said was hi, nothing else, but you talk a shit ton to me over text

Richie: that's cause i don't know much about you eddie spaghetti, tell me about yourself then I will talk to you more in person

Eddie: wow um ok well I am short, have brown hair, a mother who is way to over protective and annoying

Richie: great description of yourself ed's, but i get you i have family issues too

Eddie: oh really?? how so

Richie: and that my friend will be saved till later

Eddie: oh we're friends now? i didn't know it was official

Richie: you bet your cute tiny ass it's official

Eddie: how do you know my ass is cute

Eddie: do you stare at my butt

Richie: only when you're not looking ;)

Eddie: gross

Richie: hey you can't blame me for staring at what your mama gave you

Eddie: uh richie

Richie: yes my cute tiny assed friend

Eddie: why is stan texting me?

Richie: that fucker didn't

Richie: he told me at school a few days ago that if i mentioned you at all he'd try and make contact with you

Eddie: oh talking about me now with your friends are we?

Richie: how could i not talk about you you're so cute!

Eddie: but haven't i already made contact with him?? you know the gc

Richie: yeah but when have we all really talked in it

Eddie: oh true

Richie: what do ya say ed's, let's get the losers club gc 2.0 active again

Eddie: 2.0?

Richie: yeah, you ben and mikey are in 2.0 with us so we gotta make it active!

Eddie: oh ok sure, what can i do to help

Richie: do me 8———————D

Eddie: shut up richie

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