Bullies pt 7

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We started potty training McKenzie two days ago, and she isn't doing well. We have resulted to a sticker chart which is on the fridge and if she has three stars by the end of the day, she gets a treat. I know three stars doesn't seem like a lot, but the amount of times we have to change her and the amount of times she uses the potty is different and results in three stars being a large amount. So it's a decent amount in my opinion. I woke up about 20 minutes ago, and Pez was cuddling up to me, I think she started to have a night mare though because she keeps whimpering and it's heartbreaking. Just then she started thrashing and screaming. I held her down. "Shh babe." I stroked her head. Tears were streaming down her eyes. Amber ran in obviously worried about what the screaming was about. "Amber, keep the girls out please." I said and held Perrie close to my chest she was still shaking and screaming but it muffled against my chest. Just then she sat up. I sat up next to her, her eyes were opened and hot tears were streaming down her face. "Come here baby girl." I said and opened my arms, she sat on my knee so I wrapped my arms, around her. "You're okay babe." I rubbed her back. Slowly, she began to calm down  and Amber walked in again. She sat in front of us and took Perrie's hand. "Are you okay mama?" She asked sweetly, Pez still hadn't said anything so she just nodded and smiled at her weekly. "Can you give us a minute Am?" I asked her. "Yeah sure, but Kenzie is whining because she needs changing." She said as she stood up. "Tell her to wait." I sighed and hugged Perrie who had began crying again. She nodded and walked out. "You're okay babe." I kissed her temple. "I don't know what you dreamt about baby, but it isn't here anymore. It's just you me and the girls. Please remember that." I hugged her and she nodded. "Ill go and change Kenzie, you get ready." I kissed her again and she just nodded. I'm guessing we won't get many words out of her today.

I walked into Kenzie's room a saw her having a tantrum on the floor. "Oh for heavens sake. You're 13. Get up!" I said and she stood up. "Mam, change me please." She cried. "I am going to. Next time you be patient, do you understand. Your mama was very upset this morning and I had to make sure she was okay before I changed you." I led her down and she nodded. "Right, I'm putting you in knickers, we need at least 3 stars today." I said and pulled up her knickers. She nodded and hugged me. "Where Sydney?" I asked her. "She went to look for Amber." She replied and stood up.

I walked out and into Ambers room, Amber was led on the bed staring at the ceiling whilst Sydney was stroking her hair. "You okay girls?" I asked sitting on the bed. Amber sat up and came to sit on my knee. "What's up petal?" I asked her. "I'm just worried, I have a major exam on Monday." She sighed and looked at her hands, I put my fingers under her chin and made her look at me in the eyes. "With the amount of hard work, revision and knowledge you have and put into your work you will come out with an A**." I reassured her and she smiled and hugged me. "I work at the school so remember you can come and find me before and after it's done okay?" I asked her and she nodded. I kissed her temple and walked out.

I went to check on Pez. She was led on the bed staring at the ceiling. I decided to be cheeky and I went over and straddled, she giggled and I lent down and pecked her lips. "You alright baby?" I asked and she nodded. "Good. I've put Kenzie in knickers, and said I expect all three stars on the chart." I sighed and she nodded. "Are you going to talk at all today?" I asked her, she just shrugged. Then I had an idea. "If you don't talk, you won't get any kisses." I smirked and got off her. "Noooo." She wined and reached for my wrist. "I'm sorry." She whispered and gave me puppy eyes, the ones she knows I can't resist. I kissed her. But Sydney walked in. "Mam?" She asked. "Yeah babe?" I asked and pulled away from a Perrie but she put her head on my knee, I laughed and covered her eyes. "Kenz wet herself." She sighed. "Alright thanks babe, where?" I asked and Perrie sat up then I walked out. "Our room." She said I walked in and saw Kenzie stood there crying. "Why didn't you go to the potty?" I asked peeling down her leggings. "I'm sorry mam." She cried. "It's okay baby, I'm putting more knickers on you, if you don't go to the potty again, I'll be putting you in a pull up." I said and gave her some fresh knickers, thank fully the girls floor was wood so I mopped it up.

It was about 5pm and McKenzie had already had 3 accidents, we were about to go to the park and me and Jade have both tried to get her to put a pull up on but she's refusing. "Jade, we can't go out if she isn't going to wear one." I sighed and sat on her knee, I think she has noticed how clingy I'm being today. "Baby, if she has an accident in public, it's her own fault." She said and kissed my temple, I just nodded and went to find Amber. "Come on babe, we're going out." I said opening her door to see her revising. "But I need to revise." She cried. "You need a break, you've been revising all day." I laughed, walked in and took her hand. She laughed and followed me out.

We had been out for about an hour now and I could tell Kenzie was getting restless. "You okay Kenz?" Jade asked clearly teasing her. I smacked her arm gently to tell her to stop since Kenzie then burst into tears. I opened my arms for her and she ran to them. "I need to pee pee." She cried into my chest. "You need to hold it baby." I rubbed her leg. "I can't mama." She cried. "Baby, please don't pee..." I was cut off by the feeling of wetness on my legs. "Oh Kenzie." I hugged her tighter but she cried and pushed herself away, when she stood up I realised she was pooping. "Kenzie, can you not hold that in?" I asked, she shook her head and cried harder. "I think it's time to go home." Jade sighed and took Kenzie's hand. I walked to get Amber and Sydney. "Mama, have you had an accident?" Amber whispered in my ear." No, Kenzie peed on me." I laughed and she nodded and laughed.

When we got home, Jade ran Kenzie a bath, sadly she didn't have any stickers on her chart today and it was upsetting. We both know that she can't stay in diapers her whole life but I think we now know it's just not her time yet.

I might not do a part 8, comment if you want one though.

LITTLE MIX~ one shots!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon