Chapter 3

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As the day wore on, many people came with flowers and regrets, to mourn and grieve. Some of them cried. Most of them looked sad. I knew that these people genuinely meant it, but it was kind of exhausting. You can't deal with mournful people when you're very near to collapsing yourself.

One by one, they walked up to the coffin and told stories about Chester, sharing memories. It wasn't particularly gut-wrenching to me, it was just funeral-ey, I guess.

When my turn came, I went up there, the crumbled paper in my pocket rustling. I pulled it out, smoothed it over and tucked it among the flowers on the coffin.

My job was already done, so all I had to do now was to join these people in this intangible atmosphere of sadness they had readily built up.

I guess I had to say something, so I went on talking bullshit. I won't tell you what I said, though. You've already heard my literary *cough* masterpiece, I would be demeaning myself if I told you that.

Later, I was vaguely conscious of consoling hands on my shoulder and whispers of comfort, and everything was a blur except the sunlight coming in through the coloured glass of the windows.

The End.

A little Update

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A little Update...

I swear, every time I go back to listening to some of Linkin Park's songs or Post Traumatic by Mike, I get so overwhelmed and I keep coming back to this story I wrote and I realize,  over and over again, how much I mean this, how much of my grief and pain at Chester's death I've channelled into Mike.
You guys are the best. Seriously. This is for every single person who has read this, voted and commented, your words for me were far more powerful than any words of mine would ever be to say thank you. I did not expect Too Bad at Goodbyes to be read and loved by so many people. Indeed, according to Wattpad standards there ought to be way more reads, but at this point all I can say is that I'm grateful. For all of my readers. For all of your encouragement. For all of your love. I don't care about numbers, I care about the genuine support and kind words I have received from you, and I am happy to have made you feel what I was feeling when I wrote this story.

Thank you. A million times over. I love you to the moon and back.


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