Chapter 7

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We all sat at a long table in the middle of the room. Matthew was on my right, Shawn on my left, and Taylor was of course..right in front of me. Dillon and Aaron were next to him cracking jokes. Typical teenage guy comedy, but I still couldn't stop laughing.

"So, what do you think?" Matthew said referring to the Rainforest Cafe. I could tell by the corner of my eye that Shawn was listening to our conversation.

"This place is amazing!" after I said that the little show started. They made it look and sound like a storm. Animal noises boomed and the animals started moving. They actually looked pretty real! It got really dark and I felt a hand grab mine from my lap. They pulled me into a corner where I could barely tell who it was. Shawn. He pulled me closer to him.

"Look Aria, I know we don't really know each other but I can't stand to see you with anyone else. Your smile, your kindness, your intelligence, your everything....I'm crazy about you." he said. It was pretty noisy in there so I could barely make out his words.

"I'm sorry Shawn. What did you say? I can barely understand what you're saying" I yelled over the noise. He didn't respond. I felt his hand pull me closer to him as our lips crashed into each other's. All of the stuff that he had just said didn't need repeating. The lights came back on and the noises had stopped. I'm guessing everyone had found us....

"Get it Shawn!!" Jacob yells toward us. I jumped a little being startled by his voice. We quickly pulled back and Shawn's face was bright red. It got really quiet all of the sudden.

"Wow Jacob, way to make things awkward!" Mahogany said sarcastically nudging his arm. Everyone just kinda watched us as we sat back down. I looked up to find some fans giggling....with there phones.

"Shit" I said face palming and looking up at the girls. They must have taken pictures of Shawn and I. Matthew had a pissed look on his face along with Taylor.

"I'm sorry, you just don't know how long I've wanted to do that." Shawn whispered in my ear. He was still blushing, but had a smirk on his face. I got nervous and didn't know what to do so I just smirked back. I like Shawn, I really do. I looked back down at the rose Matt gave me. Remembering his words 'I don't mind finding the most perfect rose for the most perfect girl'.

"Are you okay Aria?" Matthew said with concern.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna go outside for a second and get some fresh air." I stood up walking out.

When I got outside I sat down on a bench. My twitter notifications were going off like crazy. I got on to see what everyone was talking about. The picture of Shawn and I kissing was all over my new feed. Most of the fans were pretty pissed.

'You're not good enough you little whore'

'Aria is such a slut. She's going after 3 guys at once.'

'OMFG why would Shawn kiss that fat bitch'

And etc.

Matthew had found me on the bench crying and scrolling through my twitter.

"Aria" he sadly said noticing the tears streaming down my face. While sitting down next to me, he pulled me in for a hug.

"Why would they stuff like that over one stupid kiss?" I sobbed into his chest.

"Don't believe anything they say. They are all wrong. Don't let them ever convince you into think that stuff yourself. Aria, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're special and not like other girls. You always have been." he tried comforting me.

"Thanks Matt. You always know what to say" I hugged him once again.

"Anytime, but don't read all the hate if it gets to you. Remember that I'm always here" he said.

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