Chapter 6

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(Shawn's Prov.)

We are leaving for Nashville tomorrow.

I've packed everything that I need. There's just one thing that I'm missing...Aria.

I can't get over the fact that she's that beautiful, nice, smart, brave, and everything I need. She completes the hole that's in my heart. I can't stand to see her being ripped out. The other day when I saw her and Taylor just tore me apart. Not only was he kissing her, but she was kissing back! They've known each other for awhile know. Best friends usually turn into more. Hopefully this time will be different.


I was talking to Aaron at the Nashville Airport whenever Aria walked in..with Taylor by her side. I quickly looked away as she noticed me.

"Hey Shawn!" she joyfully said as she hugged me. I could tell that she was excited.

"Hey Aria!" I said while we were still hugging. Even though it was just a hug, I could feel sparks. I just don't know if she felt the same.

(Taylor's Prov.)

Shawn's better for Aria anyways. ugh I'm such an idiot! I knew Matt and Shawn both like her. You could clearly tell that she was confused with all of this. Should I just give her a break and see which one she runs to?

(Matt's Prov.)

I've liked Aria since the first time we've met. I know, that's a long time and I moved. I should be over her and I thought that I was. Seeing her for the first time again just reminded me that I never stopped loving her.

(Aria's Prov.)

Shawn and I let go from the hug. We started to talk, but all the other guys crowded me for hugs. I guess they liked me better then I thought!

We drove to our hotel about 15 minutes away. Fans beat us there and there was chaos everywhere. I got out opening the trunk and grabbing my stuff.

"Here, let me help" Shawn came up from behind me grabbing my suitcase. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and started walking into the lobby with the boys getting their stuff and following. Some fans asked for pictures and a few actually asked for pictures with me. They asked me questions like 'what is it like being best friends with Taylor?' , 'will it ever be more then friends' , 'OMG Matt tweeted an old pic of you and him. Y'all were adorable! Thank goodness you found him again! DATE ALREADY' , 'I see the way Shawn looks at you. Back off! He's mine' . There are some rude fans,but they just care for the guys. I never thought that they'd like me this much. I thought that I'd just be walking in without being noticed!


When we got up to our floor Jacob was saying who was in what room.

"Ok so Aria is sharing a room with Mahogany and- " he was cut off by Mahogany.

"I guess we're roomies! We're gonna have so much fun! Lets go!" Her smile covered her face as we walked down the hallway. She's perfect! From her Mickey Mouse ears to her high heel lace up boots!

"So you've been here before, right? What's something fun to do?" I plopped down on the hotel bed.

"We are actually going to the Rainforest Cafe later. The first magcon event isn't until tomorrow." she repeating my actions by plopping done onto her bed.

"Really?! I've heard of that place before!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah, I think a few of us are gonna go to the mall in a minute. You wanna join?" Mahogany is so nice. I wish I was more like her.

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